Finally, we cross-product the two vectors to obtain the new Up vector. */if(Forward.GetX() !=0|| Forward.GetY() !=0) {/* Project Forward onto the XY axis */CVector3cForwardXY(Forward.GetX(), Forward.GetY(), 0.0f);/* Save its length: it will be used to restore the Z coordi...
voidcVector::CrossProduct (cVector vector1, cVector vector2) { Set (vector1.y () * vector2.z () - vector1.z () * vector2.y (),// =xvector1.z () * vector2.x() - vector1.x() * vector2.z (),// = yvector1.x() * vector2.y () - vector1.y () * vector2.x()...
叉积(英语:Cross product)是一种在向量空间中向量的二元运算。与点积不同,它的运算结果是一个向量而不是一个标量。两个向量的叉积写作 ,也称作外积(英语:Outer product)或向量积(英语:Vector product)。叉积与原来的两个向量都垂直。 定义 两个向量 和 的叉积写作 (有时也被写成,避免和字母 x 混淆)。叉...
Chirality Vector (n, m) 描述了碳纳米管的手性,其中 n 和 m 是整数,且满足 n ≥ m。Unit Vec...
还有例如列向量:Vector3f,其本质也是Matrix类: typedefMatrix< float, 3, 1 >Vector3f; 行向量RowVector: typedefMatrixRowVector2i; 静态-动态-矩阵 静态矩阵:矩阵是静态的,即编译时候就知道运行结果,例如Matrix3d:表示元素类型为double大小为3*3的矩阵变量,其大小在编译时就知道。
为什么会抛出编译错误:没有匹配的函数来调用“cross(glm::vec4&,glm::vec4&)”glm::vec4 b; glm::vec4 c = glm::cross 浏览0提问于2012-05-26得票数 4 回答已采纳 2回答 仅用于特定类型的泛型类的方法 、 其中N是向量的大小(或维度)。向量有一个叉积方法,它计算叉积: cross(vector: Vector<N>...
create the correct create vector project create view as create virtual machin create watermarks ove create without leader create your own shot createcompatibledc creates createsemaphore creatine phosphotrans creating a creating a symbiont creating a two point creating a water creating alpha images creating ...
costal arch reflex costal area costar group coltd costate vector costelloelvis costic costing dept costing engineer costing management costinsurancefreighta costlereagh costo del capitale costoftemporaryrepair costopulmonarymuscles costoscapular costreductions costs associated with costs matched with re costs...
bgfx - A cross-platform rendering library. [BSD] Blend2D - 2D vector graphics engine powered by a JIT compiler. [Zlib] website Cairo - A 2D graphics library with support for multiple output devices. [LGPL2 or Mozilla MPL] C-Turtle - A C++11 header-only turtle graphics library acting as...
general purpose vector operations (cross, dot, rotate, proj, angle...) affine transformations matrix decomposition (extract rotation, scaling factor) optimized affine transform matrices (mul, rigid-body inverse) camera (lookat) projections (ortho, perspective) ...