void matrix_set_lookat(matrix_t *m, const vector_t *eye, const vector_t *at, const vector_t *up) { vector_t xaxis, yaxis, zaxis; vector_sub(&zaxis, at, eye); vector_normalize(&zaxis); vector_crossproduct(&xaxis, up, &zaxis); vector_normalize(&xaxis); vector_crossproduct(...
这个实现返回的值是垂直于向量a与向量b平面的向量的模,在3D数学中,向量叉乘返回的应该是一个向量-- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/243945/calculating-a-2d-vectors-cross-product-- 这个实现并不"合理",It's a shorthand notation for a mathematical hack.functionVector2D_Cross(leftX, leftY,...
Vector2wa=Vector2::crossProduct(ccp.bodyA->angularVelocity(),vcp.ra);Vector2wb=Vector2::crossProduct(ccp.bodyB->angularVelocity(),vcp.rb);vcp.va=ccp.bodyA->velocity()+wa;vcp.vb=ccp.bodyB->velocity()+wb;Vector2dv=vcp.va-vcp.vb;realjv=vcp.normal.dot(dv); 计算并施加冲量: reallambda...
Vector3d.CrossProduct(Vector3d) 计算两个Vector3D的叉积。 数学上的定义:c=axb 其中a,b,c均为向量。即两个向量的叉积得到的还是向量! 性质1:c⊥a,c⊥b,即向量c垂直于向量a,b所在的平面。 性质2:模长|c|=|a||b|sinθ 性质3:满足右手法则。从这点我们有axb ≠ bxa,而axb = - bxa。所以我们...
XMVector2ClampLength Clamps the length of a 2D vector to a given range. XMVector2ClampLengthV Clamps the length of a 2D vector to a given range. XMVector2Cross Computes the 2D cross product. XMVector2Dot Computes the dot product between 2D vectors. XMVector2InBounds Tests whether the co...
cross(vector) Returns cross product from this vector and the provided vector. reverse() Reverse the values in this vector. abs() Convert stored values to absolute values. distance(vec) Find the distance between this vector and the provided vec; zero() Set vector values to 0. rotate(radians...
QVector3D crossProduct = QVector2D::crossProduct(vector1, vector2);计算两个向量的叉乘结果 #其他常用方法 除了上述的向量运算方法外,QVector2D还提供了一些其他常用的方法: 长度和单位化 cpp float length = vector.length();计算向量的长度 QVector2D normalizedVector = vector.normalized();将向量单位化 ...
if (!GConfig->GetVector(TEXT("Paper2D"), TEXT("PaperAxisY"), PaperAxisY, GEngineIni)) { PaperAxisY = FVector(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); } PaperAxisZ = FVector::CrossProduct(PaperAxisX, PaperAxisY); FPaperSpriteTangents::SetTangentsFromPaperAxes(); ...
The vector correlations between products and reagents of the N(2D) + D2 reaction are investigated by employing quasi-classical trajectory (QCT) calculation on the accurate DMBE potential energy surface (PES) of the 2A″ state. Stereo-dynamic quantities, including the four generalized polarization-...