C语言 threads多线程 + Pipe管道 实现单机聊天系统 这个实验会建立一个全双工系统(Full-Duplex),实现两个管道同时收发消息。在程序中会涉及到3个文件,2个管道,2个进程,4个线程。线程之间的拓扑图如下: 通信示意图 【完整代码附在文章最后】 创建连通管道 首先创建fifo_create.c文件来事先创建2个管道,分别为A发送...
}intmain(void){//initializationinitialize();intbuffer[2];intbufferSize =0;while(true){//jobs arrive here constantly,//once the buffer becomes full,//we unlock the threads(workers) and they start workingbufferSize =2;if(bufferSize ==2){for(inti =0; i<2; i++){ jobs[i].jobMutex.un...
http://www.lix.polytechnique.fr/~liberti/public/computing/parallel/threads/threads-tutorial/tutorial.html C语言多线程编程(一) -知乎(zhihu.com) 报错解决:https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_43876206/article/details/101158947 tolele 2022-04-02
pool->threads = (pthread_t*) malloc(sizeof(pthread_t) * thrd_count); if (pool->threads == NULL) { // TODO: free pool return NULL; } int i = 0; for (; i < thrd_count; i++) { if (pthread_create(&(pool ->threads[i]), NULL, thread_worker, (void*)pool) != 0) { /...
pthread_t threads[NUMBER_OF_THREADS]; int status = 0; int i = 0; for(i=0; i < NUMBER_OF_THREADS; i++){//循环创建10个线程 printf("Main here. Creating thread %d\n",i); //创建线程,线程函数传入参数为i status = pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL,ptintf_hello_world, &i); ...
#define MAX_THREADS 10 //最大线程数 DWORD WINAPI MyThreadFunction(LPVOID lpParam); void ErrorHandler(LPTSTR lpszFunction); //自定义线程数据 typedef struct MyData { int val1; int val2; }MYDATA, *PMYDATA; int _tmain() { PMYDATA pDataArray[MAX_THREADS]; ...
#define getrandom( min, max ) (SHORT)((rand() % (int)(((max) + 1) - \ (min))) + (min)) int main( void ); // Thread 1: main void KbdFunc( void ); // Keyboard input, thread dispatch void BounceProc( void * MyID ); // Threads 2 to n: display void ClearScreen( void...
inCThreadclass guarantees that all critical childThread methods will be executed properly regardless the parent thread owning the current childThread focus. The only care that must be taken is that none of the parent threads deletes the childThread'sCThreadobject while another is still operating on...
ThreadPool.GetMinThreads(); //函数原型: public static void GetMinThreads (out int workerThreads,out int completionPortThreads) 参数1:workerThreads:当前由线程池维护的空闲辅助线程的最小数目。 参数2:completionPortThreads:当前由线程池维护的空闲异步 I/O 线程的最小数目 ...
pthread_t tids[NUM_THREADS];//线程idcout <<"hello in main.."<<endl;for(inti =0; i < NUM_THREADS; ++i ) {intret = pthread_create( &tids[i], NULL, say_hello, (void*)&i );//传入到参数必须强转为void*类型,即无类型指针,&i表示取i的地址,即指向i的指针cout <<"Current pthread ...