这在C中是不可能的。查看此问题以了解更多详情。How to return a variable name and assign the value...
By defining a macro that takes a variable name asan argument and uses the `` operator, it is possible to create a string representation of the variable name.此外,在C中使用宏也可以提供一种将变量名称转换为字符串的方法。通过定义一个以变量名称为参数并使用``运算符的宏,可以创建变量名称的字符串...
variable name of union: sv_<variable_name>34* 6.5 static function name of union: sf_<function_name>35*36*/3738#include <iostream>39#include <string>4041usingnamespacestd;4243//global variables name = g_<variable_name>44stringg_os ="Linux Fedora";45stringg_prompt ="[os]#\t";4647//a...
bool isGraduated = true; 定义了一个布尔类型的变量 isGraduated,用于表示是否毕业,并将其初始化为 true。 string name = "John Doe"; 定义了一个字符串类型的变量 name,用于存储名字,并将其初始化为 "John Doe"。 接下来,使用 cout 和 endl 来输出这些变量的值。cout 是 C++ 中用于标准输出的对象,endl ...
conversion to void * in C and C++ Conversions from DWORD to Char[] Convert _TCHAR* variable to CString Convert a DLL to static Lib convert BYTE to _TCHAR Convert char * to LPCTSTR Convert char* to System::String^ convert const char * to LPTSTR convert cstring to char* Convert CString ...
come alive snow rice come alive with pepsi come at come back from fields come back to life wit come back to my arms come back to sb come back to the pres come back get back th come by bike rides a come clearly into vie come down to come face to face wit come for ones thanksg...
cottonnbspstring cottonjames cotton-top tamarin cottonrayon cottonf look filled p cottonizing cottonseed meal cotty watens uendant cotula linn cotyledon iwarenge ma cotyledons flat or co couch felt couched couchsofa-bed couchtogether coude focus coudÉfocus couger cough due summer-heat cough due ...
// C4996_Marshal.cpp// compile with: /clr// C4996 expected#include<stdlib.h>#include<string.h>#include<msclr\marshal.h>usingnamespaceSystem;usingnamespacemsclr::interop;intmain(){ String^ message = gcnew String("Test String to Marshal");constchar* result; ...
type arr_name[常量值]; 存放在数组的值被称为数组的元素,数组在创建的时候可以指定数组的大小和数组的元素类型。 type 指定的是数组中存放数据的类型,可以是: char、short、int、float 等,也可以自定义的类型 arr_name 指的是数组名的名字,这个名字根据实际情况,起的有意义就行,可以按照变量名称是怎么定义的来...
...此方法将使变量表达式成为groovy.sql.ExpandedVariable对象。 此对象不用作PreparedStatement查询的参数,但该值被评估为GString变量表达式。...} = :idValue """ sql.executeUpdate(query, nameValue: name, idValue: id) } } 用Groovy 1.1K50 c语言字符串赋值_c++中字符串变量...