在C语言中,可以使用printf()函数来实现字符串(string)的格式化输出 #include<stdio.h>intmain(){charstr1[] ="Hello, ";charstr2[] ="World!";// 使用%s格式说明符输出字符串printf("%s%s\n", str1, str2);return0; } 在这个示例中,我们定义了两个字符串变量str1和str2,然后使用printf()函数将它...
printf("long string.\n"); printf("Here's another way to print a \longstring.\n");printf("Here's the newest way to print a""long string.\n");/*ANSI C*/return0; } 输出: Here's one way to print a long string.Here's another way to print a long string.Here's the newest wa...
字符串和格式化输入输出 1#include<stdio.h>2#include<string.h>3#defineDENSITY 62.445intmain(void)6{7floatweight, volume;8intsize, letters;9charname[40];//数组1011printf("Hi!What's your first name?");12gets(name);//get(sth.)取得地址13printf("%s,What's your weight in pounds?\n", na...
my_string=123456.654321 print('my_str:{1:!^20s}\nmystring:{0:$^20.2f}'.format(my_string,my_str)) 输出为: 1 2 my_str:!!!dotcpp!!! mystring:$$$123456.65$$$ 对于my_str,‘1‘为它的索引位置,‘!’来替代空白字符,‘^’代表位置居中,20为宽度,‘s’为字符串类型。 对于my_string,‘0...
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define DENSITY 62.4 int main() { float weight, volume; int size, letters; char name[40]; printf("Hi!What's your first name?\n"); scanf_s("%s", name); printf("%s,what's your weight in pounds?\n", name); scanf_s("%f", &weight);...
%x: 以十六进制形式输出整数 示例代码如下: #include <stdio.h> int main() { int num = 10; float f = 3.14; char c = 'A'; char str[] = "Hello, World!"; printf("Integer: %d\n", num); printf("Float: %f\n", f); printf("Character: %c\n", c); printf("String: %s\n", ...
难过的是: std::string没有格式化输入输出的Format函数. 只能通过 std::strstream进行转换 #include <sstream> std::stringstream ss; ss << 1234<< "wishchin" << 5678; std::string str = ss.str(); 1. 2. 3. 4. 多写个一行,也算比较简单的....
char strings[5]; printf("Input chars "); scanf("%s", strings); printf("strings %s size of is %zd, strlen is %zd ",strings, sizeof(strings), strlen(strings)); Input chars abc strings abc size of is 5, strlen is 3 加入输入abcde五个字符,则会有溢出错误,程序无法运行,因为string[5]实...