fDropDown [in] 若要设置 BST_DROPDOWNPUSHED 状态,则为 TRUE;否则为 FALSE。返回值如果此方法成功,则返回 TRUE;否则返回 FALSE。备注拆分按钮控件的样式为 BS_SPLITBUTTON 或 BS_DEFSPLITBUTTON,由一个按钮及其右侧的下拉箭头组成。 有关详细信息,请参阅按钮样式。 通常,当用户单击下拉箭头时会设置下拉状态。
Warning_C4800_'BOOL': forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning) Warning: At least one module has an unresolved import due to a missing export function in a delay-load dependent module. wchar_t to UTF-8 encoding WCHAR, wstring, declaring and getting access webcam VFW...
control element control experiment control false emperor control format control hemorrhage st control housing assem control in sequence control invests control its destructi control keycontrol ke control levers control me control methodology control model control notifications control of controls control of cul...
cant remember the nam cant resist cant stand this hell cant stop the rain fr cant you finish it to cant you see that i a cant you see the comi cantresistdoing can committee on airc can may ok can-controller areawo cancould not very wel cancouldbe able to af canada and uk canada ch...
检索具有 WS_TABSTOP 样式的上一个或下一个控件。复制 HWND GetNextDlgTabItem(HWND hWndCtl, BOOL bPrevious = FALSE) const throw(); 注解请参阅 Windows SDK 中的GetNextDlgTabItem。CWindow::GetParent检索即时父窗口。复制 HWND GetParent() const throw(); 备注请参阅 Windows SDK 中的GetParent。
fDropDown [in] TRUE to set BST_DROPDOWNPUSHED state; otherwise, FALSE.Return ValueTRUE if this method is successful; otherwise, FALSE.RemarksA split button control has a style of BS_SPLITBUTTON or BS_DEFSPLITBUTTON and consists of a button and a drop-down arrow to its right. For more ...
TRUE if the button is set to auto-repeat mode; otherwise, FALSE.RemarksUse the CMFCButton::SetAutorepeatMode method to set a button to auto-repeat mode.CMFCButton::IsCheckBoxIndicates whether a button is a check box button.Copy BOOL IsCheckBox() const; ...
当终端接收到其中的一个输入时,它将发送信号到前台进程。...在按下Ctrl-C 键 的情况下,它将发送一个称为 INT(中断,Interrupt)的信号; 在按下Ctrl-Z 键 的情况下,它将发送一个称为 TSTP(终端暂停,Terminal Stop)的信号...执行效果和在终端按下 Ctrl-C 键的效果一样。通常用来终止一个程序。 9 KILL ...
"stopAtEntry": false, "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}", "environment": [], "MIMode": "gdb", "setupCommands": [ { "description": "Enable pretty-printing for gdb", "text": "-enable-pretty-printing", "ignoreFailures": true } ],
/// <returns>如果进程成功退出,则返回 true;否则返回 false。</returns> public static bool StopConsoleProgram(Process process, int? timeoutInMilliseconds = null) { if (process is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(process)); } if (process.HasExited) { return true; } // 尝试将...