pProp =newCMFCPropertyGridProperty(_T("Height"), (_variant_t)250l, _T("Specifies the window's height")); pProp->EnableSpinControl(TRUE,50,300); pSize->AddSubItem(pProp); pProp =newCMFCPropertyGridProperty( _T("Width"), (_variant_t)150l, _T("Specifies the window's width"))...
Called by the framework to create an editable spin button control.نسخ virtual CSpinButtonCtrl* CreateSpinControl( CRect rectSpin ); Parameters[in] rectSpin A rectangle that defines where the editable spin button control is created.
CMFCPropertyGridProperty::CreateSpinControl 由框架调用,以创建可编辑的调节按钮控件。 CMFCPropertyGridProperty::Enable 启用或禁用属性。 CMFCPropertyGridProperty::EnableSpinControl 启用或禁用用于修改属性值的调节按钮控件。 CMFCPropertyGridProperty::Expand 展开或折叠包含子属性的属性。 CMFCPropertyGridProperty:...
pProp = new CMFCPropertyGridProperty(_T("高度"), (_variant_t) 250l, _T("指定窗口的高度")); pProp->EnableSpinControl(TRUE, 50, 300); pSize->AddSubItem(pProp); pProp = new CMFCPropertyGridProperty( _T("宽度"), (_variant_t) 150l, _T("指定窗口的宽度")); pProp->EnableSpi...
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curvature of the spin curve and surface curve control curve fitting tool curve learning practi curve mirror curve of centre of gr curve of longitudinal curve pipe curve simulation mode curve spee curve surface printin curve triangle curvev curved arm curved cw union curved chain nose sid curved ...
For more detail see the source code located in the VC\atlmfc\src\mfc folder of your Visual Studio installation. 复制 CSpinButtonCtrl* GetSpinControl(); Requirements Header: afxtoolbarspineditboxbutton.h See Also Concepts MFC Hierarchy Chart Reference CMFCToolBarSpinEditBoxButton Class...
virtual CSpinButtonCtrl* CreateSpinControl( CRect rectSpin ); 参数 [in] rectSpin 定义的矩形可编辑的旋转按钮控件创建的位置。 返回值 对强制转换为CSpinButtonCtrl对象的指针的新CMFCSpinButtonCtrl对象的指针。 备注 调用CMFCPropertyGridProperty::EnableSpinControl方法显示可编辑的旋转按钮控件在属性的右边缘。
CMFCPropertyGridProperty::CreateInPlaceEdit Called by the framework to create an editable control for a property. CMFCPropertyGridProperty::CreateSpinControl Called by the framework to create an editable spin button control. CMFCPropertyGridProperty::Enable Enables or disables a property. CMFCProperty...
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