CParticleSystem *systemP = m_systems;for(inti =0; i < MAX_PARTICLE_SYSTEMS; i++, systemP++) {if(systemP->HasEmitters ()) { systemP->SetNext(m_nUsed); m_nUsed = i; }else{ systemP->Destroy (); systemP->SetNext(m_nFree); m_nFree = i; } }#endif} 开发者ID:paud,项目...
m_otiVisibleList = otiItem; }else{// -- Add the new item to the end of the listotiNext = m_otiVisibleList;while(otiNext->GetNextVisible()) { otiNext = otiNext->GetNextVisible(); } otiNext->SetNextVisible(otiItem); }// Set next visibleotiItem->SetNextVisible(NULL); } 开发者ID...
Adhering to the principle of honesty, innovation as the spirit of the concept, to meet all customer needs for our own responsibility.After years of development, the company has been in Beijing, Shanghai, Xi'an, Guangzhou set up storage base, and strive to provide next day service for...
next <count> 同样单步跟踪,如果有函数调用,他不会进入该函数。很像VC等工具中的step over。后面可以加count也可以不加,不加表示一条条地执行,加表示执行后面的count条指令,然后再停住。 set step-mode set step-mode on 打开step-mode模式,于是,在进行单步跟踪时,程序不会因为没有debug信息而不停住。这个参数...
GIN框架中间件 C.NEXT() C.ABORT() C.SET() C.GET 跨中间件取值 GIN中间件中使用GOROUTINE 标签:Go 1. C.NEXT()演示 //HandlerFuncfuncindexHandler(c *gin.Context){ fmt.Println("index") c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{"msg":"index", ...
can i pay you next mo can i reserve a hotel can i say no sorrow can il tuo nome can jia lun can kao xi can list every cu can magnify objects 3 can never form the ba can not be tumble dri can not earn your ble can not say goodbye t can only walk can opening machine can pack...
come next spring come notwithstanding come on art come on baby come on brothers come on lets go real come on nowpooh dont come on serena come on tell me whats come on mona lisa come on man im boilin come on sweetheart come on were going to come on youre almost come on come on come...
c.Next()//调用后续的处理函数 //c.Abort() //阻止调用后续的处理函数 cost:=time.Since(start) fmt.Printf("cost:%v\n",cost) fmt.Printf("m1 out ...") } funcm2(c*gin.Context) { fmt.Println("m2 in ...") c.Next()//调用后续的处理函数 ...
CRecordset::OnSetOptions 调用以为指定 ODBC 语句设置选项(在选择时使用)。 CRecordset::OnSetUpdateOptions 调用以为指定 ODBC 语句设置选项(在更新时使用)。 CRecordset::Open 通过检索表或执行记录集所表示的查询来打开记录集。 CRecordset::RefreshRowset 刷新指定行的数据和状态。 CRecordset::Requery 再次运行记...