BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( c3.size(),2u);#ifdefined(BOOST_NO_SFINAE) || defined(BOOST_NO_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE_ORDERING)#elsec3.insert( make_iterator_range( c ) );// BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL( c3.size(), 4u );#endifc. BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE transfer<C>( c3.begin(), c3 ); BOOST_CHECK( c3.empty(...
16_set容器_插入_遍历_基本数据类型比较 14分 11秒 高清 下载 17_set容器_自定义数据类型排序_仿函数应用__insert判断返回值_pair的使用__传智扫地僧_ 21分 05秒 高清 下载 18_set容器_find查找_equal_range_pair的使用__传智扫地僧_ 13分 26秒 高清 下载 19_multiset容器基本操作_ 06分 29秒 高清 下...
为满足程序的各种需求,STL 准备了多种容器类型,容器可以是 arrays 或是 linked lists,或者每个元素有特别的键值。 作为STL的最主要组成部分--容器,分为向量(vector),双端队列(deque),表(list),队列(queue),堆栈(stack),集合(set),多重集合(multiset),映射(map),多重映射(multimap)。 二、迭代器 迭代器用于...
N3671 Dual-Range equal(), is_permutation(), mismatch() VS 2015 N3778 Sized Deallocation VS 2015 N3779 UDLs For <complex> (3.14i, etc.) VS 2015 N3789 constexpr For <functional> VS 2015 N3887 tuple_element_t VS 2015 N3891 Renaming shared_mutex (Timed) To shar...
c/c++语言具备一个不同于其他编程语言的的特性,即支持可变参数。 例如C库中的printf,scanf等函数,都支持输入数量不定的参数。printf函数原型为 int printf(const char *format, …); printf("hello world");///< 1个参数printf("%d", a);///< 2个参数printf("%d, %d", a, b);///< 3个参数 测...
compatible ole server compatible operating compatible range cons compatible set of ope compatible shift keyi compatible single sid compatible software compatible state compatible storage compatible terminal compatible time-shari compatible type compatibly compatitive ability compay computer payro comp comparator ...
complete parabolic an complete polarization complete retention complete set of eigen complete silylanizati completesystem complete tree completion of erectio complex-order fourier complex abcd optical complex amplitude complex analytic sign complex boundary cond complex constants complex cycle gas tur complex...
4.8.5 SetString:方法:将字符串设置为规定的内容 88 4.8.6 insertString:方法:在指定位置插入字符串 89 4.8.7 deleteCharactersInRange:方法:删除指定范围的字符串 89 4.8.8 replaceCharactersInRange:方法:使用字符串代替指定范围的字符串 90 4.8.9 replaceOccurrencesOfString:方法:替换 91 4.9 小结 91 第5...
The strtof and wcstof functions failed to set errno to ERANGE when the value wasn't representable as a float. This error was specific to these two functions; the strtod, wcstod, strtold, and wcstold functions were unaffected. This issue has been fixed, and is a runtime breaking change. ...
C4996 can also occur if you don't use a checked iterator when _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL is defined as 1 or 2. It's set to 2 by default for debug mode builds, and to 0 for retail builds. For more information, see Checked iterators....