#include <stdio.h> struct MultipleValues { int value1; int value2; }; struct MultipleValues getValues() { struct MultipleValues values; values.value1 = 10; values.value2 = 20; return values; } int main() { struct MultipleValues result = getValues(); printf("Value 1: %d\nValue 2:...
// wrap the multiple values into a struct struct Tuple { int a, b; char c; }; // Function to return multiple values using struct struct Tuple initialize() { struct Tuple tuple = { 10, 20, 'A' }; return tuple; } // Return multiple values from a function in C int main(void) ...
Returning multiple values via arrays has a limitation wherein we can return multiple values of only the same type. For example, if we want to return a string as well as integer, it won't be possible using the 2nd approach. Returning an object of class/struct type is the most robust way...
(MultipleValues *)getMultipleValues { MultipleValues *values = [[MultipleValues alloc] init]; values.intValue = 10; values.floatValue = 3.14; return values; } // 调用函数 MultipleValues *result = [self getMultipleValues]; int intValue = result.intValue; float floatValue = result.float...
Return Multiple Values from a C Function The C language restricts functions from returning multiple outputs. Instead, they return only a single, scalar value. The MATLAB functionscoder.ref,coder.rrefandcoder.wrefallow you to return multiple outputs from an external C/C++ function. ...
Related resources for function return multiple values Tuples in C#3/5/2015 9:37:00 PM. Here you will learn about a class provided by C# that can be a more efficient way to return multiple values from a function.About Us Contact Us Privacy Policy Terms Media Kit Sitemap Report a Bug ...
return0;} 这里的multiply函数是一个三元函数,接受三个int类型的参数并返回它们的乘积。 与多元统计分析相关的 C 函数库(假设存在特定的库) 在进行多元统计分析(如多元线性回归、主成分分析等)时,可能会有一些 C 语言实现的函数库来处理相关的计算。例如,对于多元线性回归,可以使用一些数值计算库(如 BLAS、LAPACK...
createtorusvalues creatine jubase creatine kinase mm fr creatine phosphate cp creatine supplements creating a beautiful creating a concept creating a custom col creating a perfect st creating a personaliz creating a white terr creating an exploded creating an isometric creating an online st creating arm...
connectingpassage connectinseries connection always exi connection demultiple connection element connection factories connection form connection options connection parameter connection rate stati connection via office connectionmanagementc connections for elect connectiontesttable connective tissue tes connective weld ...
Maps are associative containers that store elements in a mapped fashion. Each element has a key value and a mapped value.No two mapped values can have same key values. 补充: std::pair: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/returning-multiple-values-from-a-function-using-tuple-and-pair-in-c/ ...