这正是@property自动生成get、set带来的方便之处。 mian函数: 1#import<Foundation/Foundation.h>2#import"LFPerson.h"34intmain(intargc,constchar*argv[])5{67@autoreleasepool {89LFPerson *person =[[LFPerson alloc]init];1011[person setName:@"afei"];//调用set方法,编译器自动生成12NSLog(@"%@", ...
1- (int)age2{3eturn _age;4}5- (void)setAge:(int)age6{7_age =age;8} 说明:xcode4.几以后@property独揽了@synthesize功能即@property可同时生成 set和get方法的声明和实现,成员变量都不用声明,缺点是成员变量私有,要自己加成员变量 protect @property使用示例: Person类的声明: 1#import<Foundation/Foun...
默认的getter和setter器的名称是和变量名关联的,一定是setVirableName和virableName,比如上面的变量age,setter是setAge,getter是age。 可以通过设置@property中的setter和getter属性来修改setter和getter器的方法名。 getter=getterName setter=setterName 举个例子: ...
Compiler error C3903 'property': does not have set or get method Compiler error C3904 'property': must specify number parameter(s) Compiler error C3905 unaligned accesses are not supported for intrinsic type 'type' Compiler error C3906 intrinsic type 'type' is not a supported return or argume...
executes queries. /* DisplayResults Display the results of the query if any /* AllocateBindings Bind column data /* DisplayTitles Print column titles /* SetConsole Set console display mode /* HandleError Show ODBC error messages /***/#include<windows.h>#include<sql.h>#include<sqlext.h>#in...
capital offense capital operating ren capital pay-off time capital programme capital property capital risk capital stock certifi capital stock certifi capital structure the capital subsidy schem capitalism in the twe capitalism a love sto capitalismo monopolis capitalist conditions capitalist nigger act capita...
camden property trust came by naturally came into focus came to an untimely e came to handgrips came to my town came to the increasin camel customized appl camel formula camel rock camelia house camellia acutiserrata camellia apolyddonta camellia assimiloides camellia sinensis lea cameo appearances...