On Unix--like platforms, log4cplus can be compiled using either autotools based build system or using CMake build system. The autotools based build system is considered to be primary for Unix--like platforms. On Windows, the primary build system is Visual Studio 2015 solution and projects (...
It's primary use is to communicate with the Linux kernel, to modify networking state (interfaces, routing etc...). LGPL-2.1-only libonion - HTTP server library, designed to be easy to use. Apache-2.0 libpcap - API provides to various kernel packet capture mechanism. BSD-3-Clause lib...
PrimaryConstructorBaseType 9065 FunctionPointerUnmanagedCallingConventionList 9066 FunctionPointerUnmanagedCallingConvention 9067 RecordStructDeclaration 9068 ExpressionColon 9069 LineDirectivePosition 9070 LineSpanDirectiveTrivia 9071 InterpolatedSingleLineRawStringStartToken 9072 InterpolatedMultiLineRawStringStart...
convert pdf files to convert sample type convert to layer converter digitalanal converter mouth converter plant converter primary com converter secondary c converter technique converter flyback converter forward converterconversionde converterprocess converter image convertibility prefer converting machinerym conver...
cplus cpm analyst cpmc granular polyest cpms cablepressuremon cpmcharacters per min cpncustomerpremisesno cpo chief people offi cpoontrol program cpp certified packagi cppc overview plan as cppo - lippo cpr and first aid cer cprimary reader cproscopy cpru cpsgps cps cellular packet s cpsc consu...
the distance between the secondary vertex and the primary vertex, the vertex decay length, the track transverse momentum, and more. Further details can be found in [8]. In each category, two types of flavor tagging algorithms are trained using the Gradient Boosted Decision Tree (GBDT) method,...
臂 CT 图像增强器对 X 射线主束有屏蔽作用,NCRP147 号报告"Structural Shielding Design For Medical X-Ray Imaging Facilities"4.1.6 节(Primary Barriers,P41~P45)及 5.1 节(Cardiac Angiography,P72)指出,C 臂 CT 屏蔽估算时不需要考虑主束照射.因此, 下述影响分析计算...
The primary focus is to create 2D/3D/Cubemap textures for graphics/game applications, notably to convert images to GPU compressed formats and generate mipmaps. The library wraps the FreeImage native library to import/export over 30 common image formats, and wraps the Nvidia Texture Tools native ...
RGB primary color filters Low Pass Filter Installed in front of the image sensor, non-detachable Dust Deletion Feature Self Cleaning Sensor Unit Removes dust adhering to the low-pass filter. At power off only / Enable / Disable. Performed automatically (taking about approx. 2 sec. as ...