更新CMakeLists.txt 的配置之后,重新执行下 cmake 命令生成新的 makefile 文件,并执行 cpack -G RPM,你可以在当前目录下面看到生成两个文件example-1.0.0-Linux-Aprogram.rpm和example-1.0.0-Linux-Bprogram.rpm,它们各自包含的文件如下: 其他常用参数 安装到指定目录:上述配置,生成的安装包只能安装到/home/ves...
执行cmake 命令后, 你会发现当前目录下面多了两个文件CPackConfig.cmake和CPackSourceConfig.cmake。 编译完成后,执行cpack -G RPM就可将文件打包成 rpm 包,当前目录下会生成一个_CPack_Packages目录和一个以 .rpm 为后缀名的文件example-1.0.0-Linux.rpm,example-1.0.0-Linux.rpm就是我们想要的安装包文件。
执行cmake 命令后, 你会发现当前目录下面多了两个文件CPackConfig.cmake和CPackSourceConfig.cmake。 编译完成后,执行cpack -G RPM就可将文件打包成 rpm 包,当前目录下会生成一个_CPack_Packages目录和一个以 .rpm 为后缀名的文件example-1.0.0-Linux.rpm,example-1.0.0-Linux.rpm就是我们想要的安装包文件。
1 CPack 2 CMake打包相关的内置变量 三 实践 1 构建脚本 为了方便使用项目编译的目标文件,快速部署到目标目录,可以使用CMake的安装功能;如果需要对外发布,提供头文件、库文件、或者demo的压缩包则可以使用CMake的打包功能。 在本系列前序的文章中已经介绍了CMake很多内容,在CMake应用:CMakeLists.txt完全指南一文中...
2. CPack只是个打包工具,你让它把啥打包,它就打包啥,你不告诉它,它就给你打个空包,或者报错。 3. CPack的打包流程是, 先在诸如“cmake-build-debug\_CPack_Packages\win64\NSIS\App-1.0.0-win64”的文件夹下面安装一遍程序。 然后再对这个目录进行打包,所以... ...
C-Pack-IPAs is a benchmark of student programs developed during an introductory programming course in the C programming language. These programs were collected over three distinct practical classes at Instituto Superior Técnico for 25 different IPAs. The set of submissions was split into three grou...
pack takes effect at the first struct, union, or class declaration after the pragma is seen; pack has no effect on definitions. Calling pack with no arguments sets n to its default value. This is equivalent to compiler option /Zp8.
这些 Make 工具遵循着不同的规范和标准,所执行的 Makefile 格式也千差万别。这样就带来了一个严峻的...
Earlier I was suggesting to removeCPackConfig.cmake.in, but to do so we have to first move all the code there in here, otherwise things are partially duplicated (like setting the conffiles and postinst for the DEB), and some not (the systemd scripts). ...
Bạn cần thay thế "contoso:ENTERPRISEPACK" bằng AccountSkuId và "Marketing" của riêng bạn bằng tên bộ phận riêng của bạn. Bạn cũng có thể sử dụng các thuộc tính khác như Thành ph...