For serialization examples, see the article Serialization: Serializing an Object.ExampleSee CObList::CObList for a listing of the CAge class used in all CObject examples.c++ 复制 void CAge::Serialize(CArchive& ar) { CObject::Serialize(ar); ...
c++ (用库) 对比: Google Protocol Buffers(protobuf) 官方文档: 使用过:grpc、谷歌云 使用: (1)安装 # 安装 protobuf 编译器和开发库sudo apt-getupdate sudo apt-getinstall -y protobuf-com...
Tests whether this object is eligible for serialization.SyntaxCopy BOOL IsSerializable( ) const; Return ValueNonzero if this object can be serialized; otherwise 0.RemarksFor a class to be serializable, its declaration must contain the DECLARE_SERIAL macro, and the implementation must contain the ...
BOOLIsSerializable()const; Return Value Nonzero if this object can be serialized; otherwise 0. Remarks Tests whether this object is eligible for serialization. For a class to be serializable, its declaration must contain theDECLARE_SERIALmacro, and the implementation must contain theIMPLEMENT_SERIALm...
3、 MFC Serialization Windows平台下可使用MFC中的序列化方法。MFC 对 CObject 类中的序列化提供内置支持。因此,所有从 CObject 派生的类都可利用 CObject 的序列化协议。 4、Net Framework .NET的运行时环境用来支持用户定义类型的流化的机制。它在此过程中,先将对象的公共字段和私有字段以及类的名称(包括类所在...
JavaScriptSerializer 位于命名空间 System.Web.Script.Serialization 下,通过名字和它所在的命名空间我们可以得知它主要用在网络通信中,它可以序列化任何类型的对象。同样 .NET 中也存在一个强大的第三方 JSON 序列化/反序列化库 Newtonsoft.Json ,他比前两个类用起来要方便很多。下面我们对这三个序列化/反序列化的...
To add serialization support“Serialization” is the process of writing or reading the contents of an object to and from a file. The Microsoft Foundation Class Library uses an object of the CArchive class as an intermediary between the object to be serialized and the storage medium. The C...
Haverlock, K. (1998). Object serialization, Iava, and C++ - exchanging data between a sender and a receiver. Dr. Dobb's Journal.Haverlock, K. (1998). Object serialization, Iava, and C++ - exchanging data between a sender and a receiver. Dr. Dobb’s Journal....
I have now an issue with deserializing an object sent over TCP. When deserializing, I get the following SerializationException (code below): Additional information: Binary stream '0' does not contain a valid BinaryHeader. Possible causes are invalid stream or object version change between serializat...
System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer x = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(p.GetType()); The Serialize method is used to serialize an object to XML. Serialize is overloaded and can send output to a TextWriter, Stream, or XMLWriter object. In this example, you send the output to ...