c命名规范Cnamingconventions 系统标签: namingconventions命名codeindent规范 c#命名规范(C#namingconventions)C#writingstandard2009-10-1622:56:23|classification:|reportname|reprintsubscribeAname,Tounderstandtheapplicationlogicflow,namingschemeisoneofthemostinfluentialhelp.Thenameshouldbe"what"ratherthan"how".Byavoidin...
Objective-C基础7 :命名约定(naming conventions) 由于OC里面没有命令空间这种利器来避免名字空间,所以得特别注意名字污染,一般的命令约定由如下几条: 1.类、类别、协议的命名在整个工程里面必须保持全局唯一。以前缀开始并且以大写字母开头,比如XPZMyPerson; 2.类方法和属性的命名以小写字母开头,多个单词组成的方法和...
0 simple obj-c naming question 3 Are there any Objective-C / Cocoa naming conventions for properties that are acronyms? 3 Referring to BOOL values in Objective-C methods 4 Naming convention of instance variables when synthesizing properties 0 Objective C object property -> 3 Naming conven...
Naming Conventions by: cmiddlebrook | last post by: Hi there, I keep finding myself getting inconsistent with naming conventions for things like member variables, class names etc and I just want to find something that suits me and stick to it. I am wondering if there are any naming con...
When porting this object to C#, should I follow the name naming conventions used here, like so: publicstruct_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES {publicintnLength;publicunsafebyte* lpSecurityDescriptor;publicintbInheritHandle; } or can I go all out, and write my struct in a C# style, like so: ...
c、naming-conventions 假设我有这个函数:我知道这些命名约定,对吗?是否还存在其他非常常见的问题? long long epicll (long long); unsigned long epicul (unsigned long); double fepic (double) 浏览2提问于2012-03-21得票数 3 回答已采纳 1回答 为什么这个函数用大写字母显示? c C是一种区分大小写的语言...
3. Naming Conventions All identifiers (variables, constants, Classes etc. ) declared should have meaningful names. Have naming conventions to differentiate between local and global data. Identifiers may have their types attached to their names for clarity and consistency. ...
Naming Conventions dot net/csharp by: Mark Broadbent | last post by: stupid question time again to most of you experts but this is something that continually bothers me. I am trying to get into the habit of naming variables and controls in an assembly as per convensions. The thing is...
3. Naming Conventions All identifiers (variables, constants, Classes etc. ) declared should have meaningful names. Have naming conventions to differentiate between local and global data. Identifiers may have their types attached to their names for clarity and consistency. ...