1. 利用define来定义 数值宏常量 #define 宏定义是个演技非常高超的替身演员,但也会经常耍大牌的,所以我们用它要慎之又慎。它可以出现在代码的任何地方,从本行宏定义开始,以后的代码就都认识这个宏了;也可以把任何东西定义成宏。因为编译器会在预编译的时候用真身替换替身,而在我们的代码里面却又用常常用替身来...
whether we need to define the preprocessor WIN32 IN 64 BIT CONFIGURATION Which header has declaration of ComPtr Which license does the c/c++ compiler of visual studio use? Which ws2_32.lib should I link? While trying to launch a process with credentials of the interactive user, GetTokenInform...
content for tax regis content how to define content of a point se content related fees content splitting content staging content-aware fill an contents exposed contents include contents provider conteous contessa pale pink contest theme context and media pre context speaking budg context tree context ...
Introduction OpenPose is a library for real-time multi-person keypoint detection and multi-threading...written in C++ using OpenCV and Caffe*, authored by Gines...
#definemulti(x, y) x * y; 接收参数的宏看起来就像是函数。 宏的替换与代码展开 编译器在预编译时会把用到宏的代码替换成宏定义的表达式。 如上面定义的宏multi,可以如下代码中使用: 代码文件: macro.c intmulti=multi(2,3); 在预编译时,替换操作的查看可以通过编译器命令查看效果,命令如下: ...
CButton::GetSplitStyle Retrieves the split button styles that define the current split button control. CButton::GetState Retrieves the check state, highlight state, and focus state of a button control. CButton::GetTextMargin Retrieves the text margin of the button control. CButton::SetBitmap...
Bounce.c 是一个多线程程序示例,它在每次键入字母a或A时都会创建一个新线程。 每个线程在屏幕周围退回一个不同颜色的字母。 最多可以创建 32 个线程。 当键入q或Q时,程序正常终止。 编译并链接多线程程序 默认情况下,程序被编译为多线程。 在开发环境中编译和链接多线程程序 Bounce.c ...
3.用define 宏定义 注释符号 上面对define 的使用都很简单,再看看下面的例子: #define BSC // #define BMC /* #define EMC */ D),BSC my single-line comment E),BMC my multi-line comment EMC D)和E)都错误,为什么呢?因为注释先于预处理指令被处理,当这两行被展开成//…或/*…*/时,注释已处理...
In the BEA Tuxedo system, a transaction is used to define a single logical unit of work that either wholly succeeds or has no effect whatsoever. A transaction allows work performed in many processes, possibly at different sites, to be treated as an atomic unit of work. The initiator of a...
#include<windows.h>#define DLLEXPORT __declspec( dllexport )DLLEXPORTBOOLDllMain(HMODULEhModule,DWORDul_reason_for_call,LPVOIDlpReserved);BOOLAPIENTRYDllMain(HMODULEhModule,DWORDul_reason_for_call,LPVOIDlpReserved){switch(ul_reason_for_call){caseDLL_PROCESS_ATTACH:MessageBoxA(NULL,"DLL PROCESS ATTACH...