Another useful feature of the modulo operator is to limit the upper floor of numbers during the random number generation process. Suppose we have a function that generates the random integer. In that case, we can take the remainder of the division between the returned number and the value we...
Division - 除法 Modulo - 取模(求余) Increment - 自增 Decrement - 自减 Assignment - 赋值运算 Compound assignment - 复合赋值运算 Comparison - 比较运算 Equal to - 等于 Not equal to - 不等于 Less than - 小于 Less than or equal to - 小于等于 Greater than - 大于 Greater than or equal to...
*/voidmodulo_operator(){//整数能做求模运算,浮点数不能//int result = 5.0 % 3; 编译错误//求模运算的结果与被除数相同intresult =5%3;//1...2 结果就是2printf("5模3=%d\n", result); result =-5%3;// -1...-2 结果就是-2printf("-5模3=%d\n", result); result =5%-3;// -1...
// glue.c -- use the ## operator #include <stdio.h> #define XNAME(n) x ## n #define PRINT_XN(n) printf("x" #n " = %d\n", x ## n); int main(void) { int XNAME(1) = 14; // becomes int x1 = 14; int XNAME(2) = 20; // becomes int x2 = 20; int x3 = 3...
C has several assignment operators available – one simple assignment operator and several convenience assignment operators that combine arithmetic or bitwise operations with assignment. The operators are as follows:Symbol Meaning = Assignment *= Multiply and assign /= Divide and assign %= Modulo and ...
OperatorDescription +加法、addition -减法、subtraction *乘法、multiplication /除法、division ^ or **...
本文最先发布在: 取模运算符是一个算术运算符,它计算一个数字除以另外一个数字之后,剩下的数字...这个剩下的数字(余数)被称作模数。 例如,5除以3,等于1,模数为2。8除以4,等于2,模数为0。 一、Python 取模操作符 在 Python 中,取模操作符是百分号...
The modulo operator % computes the remainder. When a=9 is divided by b=4, the remainder is 1. The % operator can only be used with integers. Suppose a = 5.0, b = 2.0, c = 5 and d = 2. Then in C programming, // Either one of the operands is a floating-point number a/b ...
// C's modulo operator doesn't quite behave the right way to do this, // but for our purposes this kluge should be good enough switch ((dir + 65536) % 8) { case 0: return (coord_t) {c.x, c.y - 1}; case 1: return (coord_t) {c.x + 1, c.y - 1}; ...