20、error C2248: 'CObject::operator =' : cannot access private member declared in class 1>e:program filesmicrosoft visual studio 9.0vcatlmfcincludeafxtempl.h(776) : error C2248: 'CObject::operator =' : cannot access private member declared in class 'CObject' 1> e:program filesmicrosoft ...
Compiler warning (level 2) C4356'member': static data member cannot be initialized via derived class Compiler warning (level 3) C4357param array argument found in formal argument list for delegate 'delegate' ignored when generating 'function' ...
这个错误是说你调用了私有的成员变量。你的void CreatTH(BinNode* h)里用了Max=stack[0].node->element;这样的语句。在BinNode里定义的int element是属于私有的,不能直接调用的。你可以在BinNode类里加一个成员函数,像 int GetElement(){ return element;} 然后把所有的element换成GetElement()就...
成员函数已经定义,说明你在之前已经定义过 Box 构造函数
The Decode function as declared in the class expects a CSmartBuffer& reference. If you also want to have a Decode that expects a byte *, then you have to add that declaration in the class. You can't write any class methods that aren't declared in the class header....
类的内部结构internal structure =数据成员data member =成员变量member variable =属性attribute =域field; 类的接口interface of class =成员函数member function =行为behavior =方法method ●类的声明, 类的定义/类的实现,对象引用的方式有两种 类的声明---主要说明类包括哪些数据成员和成员函数 类...
11、error C2509: 'OnTimer' : member function not declared in 'CHelloView' 成员函数“OnTimer”没有在“CHelloView”中声明。 12、error C2511: 'reset': overloaded member function 'void (int)' not found in 'B' 重载的函数“void reset(int)”在类“B”中找不到。 13、error C2555: 'B::...