log4cplus 的工作原理基于几个核心组件:记录器(Logger)、布局(Layout)和附加器(Appender)。记录器负责生成日志消息,布局负责格式化日志消息,附加器负责将格式化后的消息输出到不同的目标。 3.2.1 记录器 记录器是日志系统的入口点,开发者通过记录器记录消息。每个记录器都有一个名字和日志级别,只有当消息的级别高于...
#include <log4cplus/log4cplus.h>#include <log4cplus/loggingmacros.h>int main() {// 初始化日志系统log4cplus::Initializer initializer;log4cplus::Logger logger = log4cplus::Logger::getInstance(LOG4CPLUS_TEXT("main"));// 设置日志级别logger.setLogLevel(log4cplus::INFO_LOG_LEVEL);// ...
That's not convenient when each grade of logger has its own level for output(child logger output at the level of debug, when father logger output at the level of error) Now create a configuration file. The function zlog_init takes the files path as its only argument. $ cat /etc/zlog....
log4cplus 支持通过 XML 或 properties 文件来配置日志管理策略,这使得你可以在不修改代码的情况下调整日志行为。 log4cplus.logger.root=DEBUG, ROLLING, DAILY log4cplus.appender.ROLLING=log4cplus::RollingFileAppender log4cplus.appender.ROLLING.File=mylog.log log4cplus.appender.ROLLING.MaxFileSize=5MB...
Feature rich formatting, using the excellent fmt library. Asynchronous mode (optional) Custom formatting. Multi/Single threaded loggers. Various log targets: Rotating log files. Daily log files. Console logging (colors supported). syslog. Windows debugger (OutputDebugString(..)) Easily extendable ...
1、在 https://github.com/gabime/spdlog 处下载源文件; 2、下载后解压,将得到以下文件,其中include文件夹里是所需的头文件及源码; 3、新建一个C++控制台应用程序项目...logs/rotating.txt", 1048576 * 5, 3); int main(int,...
1.2. 选择合适的日志库 (Choosing the Right Logging Library) 选择一个合适的日志库,就像选择一位好的助手,它能够在你需要的时候提供帮助,让问题迎刃而解。glog、log4cplus 和 spdlog,这三个日志库各有千秋,它们在性能、功能和易用性方面都有各自的优势。
call indicating devic call initiation call it sensual call logger call market one day m call me amber call me later call me up - josh leo call my name and ill call my name call on toni call on waiting list call or text her ever call quality call sb on call sbring sb up call sbup...
computing control computing or it computingamplifier computinglogger computus comte de lambert comtesse de lafeyette comtinuous truss comtinuous weighing f comu buball comunidad de madrid s comvection drying comyfb come la tua casa con concession waive con festivita con moto moderato con risolutezza...
log4cplus::Logger logger = log4cplus::Logger::getInstance("main"); logger.setLogLevel(log4cplus::INFO_LOG_LEVEL); // 添加Appender到logger logger.addAppender(pAppender); for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // boost中格式化字符串 boost::format fmt = boost::format("Hellow ghost...