inline function_declaration (C99 起) 解释 inline 指定符的目的是提示编译器做优化,譬如函数内联,这要求编译方能见到函数的定义。编译器能(并且经常)为了优化的目的,忽略 inline 指定符的存在与否。 若编译器进行函数内联,则它会以函数体取代所有对它的调用,以避免函数调用的开销(将数据置于栈上和取得结果),这...
The only specifier that is allowed to appear twice in adecl-specifier-seq islong(which can appear twice in a row. All other repeats, such asconst static const, orvirtual inline virtualare errors. (since C++17)
根据6.7 的讨论,由一个标识符命名的对象和函数的 declaration,引起了存储空间预留,这个 declaration 就是 definition。 An external definition is an external declaration that is also a definition of a function (other than an inline definition) or an object. If an identifier declared with external linkage...
If an inline function is defined differently in different translation units, the behavior is undefined.The inline specifier cannot be used with a function declaration at block scope (inside another function)The inline specifier cannot re-declare a function that was already defined in the translation ...
类型限定、修饰2个:const volatile (restrict inline) 变量的存储类别4个:auto static extern register 运算符1个:sizeof 控制12个:goto return break continue if else switch case default do while for C语言常用词汇总结: 运算符与表达式: 1.constant 常量 ...
-finline-functions -finline-limit=n -fkeep-inline-functions -fkeep-static-consts -fmerge-constants -fmerge-all-constants -fmove-all-movables -fnew-ra -fno-branch-count-reg -fno-default-inline -fno-defer-pop -fno-function-cse -fno-guess-branch-probability ...
(仅在声明函数时),零个或多个函数限定符:inline,noreturn 零或多个对齐说明符:alignas 代码语言:txt 复制 declarators-and-initializers - comma-separated list of declarators (each declarator provides additional type information and/or the identifier to declare). Declarators may be accompanied by [initial...
implementation 实现品、实现物。本书有时候指C++编译器。大部分时候是指class member function的内容 implicit 隐式的、暗喻的(通常指未出现在C++程序代码中的)inheritance 继承 inline 内联(C++的一个关键词)instance 实例(有些书籍译为“案例”,极不妥当)layout 布局。本书常常出现这个字,意指object在内存中...
32个关键字吧。auto :声明自动变量 double :声明双精度变量或函数 int: 声明整型变量或函数 struct:声明结构体变量或函数 break:跳出当前循环 else :条件语句否定分支(与 if 连用)long :声明长整型变量或函数 switch :用于开关语句 case:开关语句分支 enum :声明枚举类型 register:声明寄存器...