The example below showcases the implementation of an inline function in C++. Code Example: #include<iostream> using namespace std; // Use the keyword "inline" to define an inline function inline int sum(int a, int b) { // Definition of inline function return a + b; } int main() {...
NOTE- This is just a suggestion to compiler to make the function inline, if function is big (in term of executable instruction etc) then, compiler can ignore the “inline” request and treat the function as normal function. 什么是内联函数: 内联函数是一种C++增强功能,可以增加程序的运行时间。
The C++ inline function provides an alternative. With inline keyword, the compiler replaces the function call statement with the function code itself (process called expansion) and then compiles the entire code. Thus, with inline functions, the compiler does not have to jump to another location ...
Inline function is introduced which is an optimization technique used by the compilers especially to reduce the execution time. We will cover “what, why, when & how” of inline functions.在C中,我们使⽤了宏函数,这是编译器使⽤的⼀种优化技术,可以减少执⾏时间等。所以问题是C ++中有什...
define是宏定义,typedef是重命名。 typedef int int_32; typedef void(*Func)(int); // Func为一个函数指针 #define PI 3.1415 // 宏定义没有; #define max(x,y) ((x)>(y)?(x):(y)) 作用域不同 typedef (1)如果放在所有函数之外,它的作用域就是从它定义开始直到文件尾; ...
1.宏(#define)和内联函数(inline)的理解以及区别: 宏 缺点: 1.宏没有类型检测,不安全 2.宏是在预处理时进行简单文本替换,并不是简单的参数传递(很难处理一些特定情况。例如:Add(z++)) 3.使代码变长 4.宏不能进行调试 5.当预处理搜索#define定义的符号时,字符串常量并不被搜索 ...
To define an inline function, place the keyword inline before the function name and define the function before any calls are made to the function. The compiler can ignore the inline qualifier in case defined function is more than a line....
ThePointclass, introduced inFunction-Call Resultscan be optimized as follows: Copy // when_to_use_inline_functions.cpp class Point { public: // Define "accessor" functions as // reference types. unsigned& x(); unsigned& y(); private: unsigned _x; unsigned _y; }; inline unsigned& Point...
The run-time overhead of makingshorterStringa function is thus removed. 从而消除了把shorterString写成函数的额外执行开销。 We can defineshorterStringas an inline function by specifying the keywordinlinebefore the function's return type: 从而消除了把shorterString写成函数的额外执行开销。
有:在类体内定义成员函数:class Fred public: void f(int i, char c) // ... ;尽管这对于写类的人来说很容易,但由于它将类是“什么”(what)和类“如何”(how)工作混在一起.小结总之,在嵌入式C(或C++)编程里面,懂得使用内联函数(inline)与宏定义(#define),并使用好它们,对我们是大有裨益的。(注:...