这种匿名的、定义处立即执行的lambda,也叫IIFE(Immediately Invoked Function Expression) ,翻译成:立即调用函数表达式。IIFE是Javascript中的概念,见国外有些人也把C++的这种lambda表达式用法称作IIFE,私以为可能不是C++这边的官方说法。 Anyway,不过其实IIFE的风格,代码量上也并没有比do ... while(0)减少多少,而且还...
这个其实也适用于其他用do while的语言,不止C++。当然关于这个用法在C++11以后,很多人提出,用立即执行的lambda会更好,表现力会更强一些: 这种匿名的、定义处立即执行的lambda,也叫IIFE(Immediately Invoked Function Expression) ,翻译成:立即调用函数表达式。IIFE是Javascript中的概念,见国外有些人也把C++的这种lambda...
这种匿名的、定义处立即执行的lambda,也叫IIFE(Immediately Invoked Function Expression) ,翻译成:立即调用函数表达式。IIFE是Javascript中的概念,见国外有些人也把C++的这种lambda表达式用法称作IIFE,私以为可能不是C++这边的官方说法。 Anyway,不过其实IIFE的风格,代码量上也并没有比do ... while(0)减少多少,而且还...
If you don't want to update your code immediately, you can revert to the old behavior by using the compiler option /Zc:sizedDealloc-. If you use this option, the two-argument delete functions don't exist and won't cause a conflict with your placement delete operator. Union data members...
If you don't want to update your code immediately, you can revert to the old behavior by using the compiler option /Zc:sizedDealloc-. If you use this option, the two-argument delete functions don't exist and won't cause a conflict with your placement delete operator. Union data members...
If you don't want to update your code immediately, you can revert to the old behavior by using the compiler option /Zc:sizedDealloc-. If you use this option, the two-argument delete functions don't exist and won't cause a conflict with your placement delete operator. Union data members...
If the # token appears as the first token on a line, then it shall be immediately followed by a preprocessing token. Required Rule 16-1-1 The defined preprocessor operator shall only be used in one of the two standard forms. Required Rule 16-1-2 All #else, #elif and #endif...
If you don't want to update your code immediately, you can revert to the old behavior by using the compiler option /Zc:sizedDealloc-. If you use this option, the two-argument delete functions don't exist and won't cause a conflict with your placement delete operator. Union data members...
这里使用了一个IIFE(Immediately-Invoked Function Expression,即立即执行函数表达式)来生成闭包,每次循环都会创建一个新的作用域链,因此可以实现与循环变量无关的功能。 总之,匿名函数在Javascript语言中是一种非常有用的语言特性,在编写复杂程序时,特别是在事件处理和回调函数等场景下,会极大地提高代码的效率和可读性。
这个是在普通 lambda表达式的末尾加上了一个括号,也就是让定义的lambda可以立即执行。 这一特性也被人称为IIFE(Immediately Invoked Function Expression),即立即调用函数表达式。这是一个出自 Javascript的术语,可能不是C++中的正统称呼…… 8. 某些情况下用struct替代class,避免把C++类写成JavaBean ...