ifstream inFile("students.dat",ios::in|ios::binary); //二进制读方式打开 if(!inFile) { cout << "error" <<endl; return 0; } while(inFile.read((char *)&s, sizeof(s))) { //一直读到文件结束 cout << s.szName << " " << s.age << endl; } inFile.close(); return 0; } ...
size_t length; ifstream inF; inF.open("data.bin", std::ifstream::binary);//以二进制格式打开文件inF.seekg(0, ios::end);//将输入指针指向文件末尾length = inF.tellg();//获取当前指针位置cout <<"the length of the file is"<< length <<""<<"byte"<<endl; unsignedchar* data =newunsign...
void ReadImageFile(const char* Imgname) { ifstream imgF(Imgname, ios::binary); if (!imgF) { cerr << "open error!" << endl; abort(); } imgF.seekg(0, ios::end); int size = imgF.tellg(); //查了C++Library Reference才知道怎么得到size。 /*int pixscnt; byte width[4], height...
m; ifstream file (filename, ios::in|ios::binary); l = file.tellg(); file.seekg (0, ios::end); m = file.tellg(); file.close(); cout << "size of " << filename; cout << " is " << (m-l) << " bytes.\n"; return...
读文件 void readbin() { ifstream ifs; ifs.open("3.txt", ios::in|ios::binary); Person p = { "李四",12,"男" }; ifs.read((char*)&p, sizeof(p)); cout << "姓名:" << p.name << "年龄:" << p.age << "性别:" << p.sex << endl; ifs.close(); }编辑...
//采用CPP模式读二进制文件 void DataRead_CPPMode() { double pos[200]; ifstream f("binary.dat", ios::binary); if(!f) { cout << "读取文件失败" <<endl; return; } f.read((char*)pos,200*sizeof(double)); for(int i = 0; i < 200; i++) cout << pos[i] <<endl; f.close...
void readBin(std::string path, char *buf, int size) { std::ifstream infile(path, std::ifstream::binary); infile.read(static_cast<char *>(buf), size); infile.close(); } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
C++ inFileTest(inFileName,ios::in|ios::binary);ofstreamoutFileTest(outFileName,ios::out|ios::binary); inFileName是输入的文件地址 /usr/doucement/in.pcm outFileName是输出的文件地址 /usr/doucement/out.pcm 其中in\out分别代表读取文件、写入文件 ...
void ReadImageFile(const char* Imgname) ifstream imgF(Imgname, ios::binary); if (!imgF) cerr << "open error!" << endl; abort(); imgF.seekg(0, ios::end); int size = imgF.tellg(); //查了C++Library Reference才知道怎么得到size。
ifstream f("binary.dat", ios::binary); if(!f) cout << "读取文件失败" <<endl; return; f.read((char*)pos,200*sizeof(double)); for(int i = 0; i < 200; i++) cout << pos <<endl; f.close(); 六 总结 1. C语言读写文件均通过FILE指针执行操作,其中文本文件的读写用fprintf,fsc...