CVariant to = parameterObject["to"];switch(GetPlayer(parameterObject["playerid"])) {caseVideo:caseAudio:if(to.isString()) {std::stringstrTo = to.asString();intactionID;if(strTo =="previous") actionID = ACTION_PREV_ITEM;elseif(strTo =="next") actionID = ACTION_NEXT_ITEM;elseretu...
C/C++ : converting std::string to const char* I get the error : left of '.c_str' must have class/struct/union type is 'char *' C# to C++ dll - how to pass strings as In/Out parameters to unmanaged functions that expect a string (LPSTR) as a function parameter. C++ int to str...
conduit pipe conduit spillway conduit used as neutr condylar foramen condylarjoint cone bearing test cone bevel gear cone crusher conespeaker cone cone-in-cone cone-shape cone-type discharge g coneapproximation conecapacitor conecuh r conejos gatos pajaros conemandrel conepinion cones development conexce...
contact viewing contact-glass contactgasketwidth contactgroupmanager contacting surface as contactor electrical contactor coil contactors and therma contactortype contacts closed force contacts for construc contactswitch contactthermometer contagia contagioncontagiousdi contagious disease of contagious marketing contain...
BOOL GetImageList(PBUTTON_IMAGELIST pbuttonImagelist); ParameterspbuttonImagelist A pointer to the image list of the CButton object.Return ValueNonzero if successful; otherwise 0.RemarksThis member function emulates the functionality of the BCM_GETIMAGELIST message, as described in the Buttons section...
TypeDeclarationSyntax 属性 方法 TypeOfExpressionSyntax TypeParameterConstraintClauseSyntax TypeParameterConstraintSyntax TypeParameterListSyntax TypeParameterSyntax TypePatternSyntax TypeSyntax UnaryPatternSyntax UndefDirectiveTriviaSyntax UnsafeStatementSyntax UsingDirectiveSyntax ...
nFieldType 字段的 ODBC C 数据类型。 使用默认值 DEFAULT_FIELD_TYPE 强制GetFieldValue 根据下表从 SQL 数据类型确定 C 数据类型。 否则,可以直接指定数据类型或选择兼容的数据类型;例如,可以将任何数据类型存储在 SQL_C_CHAR 中。展开表 C 数据类型SQL 数据类型 SQL_C_BIT SQL_BIT SQL_C_UTINYINT SQL...
/* The type of the item, as above. */int type;/* The item's string, if type==cJSON_String and type == cJSON_Raw */char *valuestring;/* writing to valueint is DEPRECATED, use cJSON_SetNumberValue instead */int valueint;/* The item's number, if type==cJSON_Number */double...
获取当前实例的Type。 (继承自Object) GetTypeOutput(CodeTypeReference) 获取由指定的CodeTypeReference指示的类型。 (继承自CodeDomProvider) InitializeLifetimeService() 获取生存期服务对象来控制此实例的生存期策略。 (继承自MarshalByRefObject) IsValidIdentifier(String) ...