include "string.h"int main(void){ char str1[]="ab678ef0ABCDEcdNijklmnOPQghopqrs345FGHIJKLtuvwxyz12M9RSTUVWXYZ";//定义一个试验用字符串 char ch,*p;while(1){ printf("Input a character to find(# end)...\nch=");if(scanf(" %c",&ch),ch=='#')//输入要查找的字符,若...
* strchr - Find the first occurrence of a character in a string * @s: The string to be searched * @c: The character to search for*/char*strchr(constchar*s,intc) {for(; *s != (char)c; ++s)if(*s =='\0')returnNULL;return(char*)s; } 多列字符串进行查找 /*** 给定一个指...
1#include <stdio.h>234#defineTRUE 15#defineFALSE 067intfind_char(char**strings,charvalue);89char*str[] ={10"first",11"second",12"third"13};1415intmain(intargc,char*argv) {1617charc;18scanf("%c", &c);19if(find_char(str,c))20{21printf("%c in sourcestr\n", c);22}23else{2...
char *strrchr(const char *string, int c);查找字符c在字符串string中最后一次出现的位置, 也就是对string进行反序搜索, 包含NULL结束符. 返回一个指针, 指向字符c在字符串string中最后一次出现的位置, 如果没有找到, 则返回NULL. char *strstr(const char *string, const char *strSearch);在字符串string中...
char sub[20] = {0};void findSubString(char src[],char sub[]);printf("Input the string: ");gets(src);//输入字符串 gets(sub);findSubString(src, sub);return 0;} void findSubString(char src[],char sub[]){ int i, j;int num;int time = 0;for (num = 0; sub[num]...
//情况2.判断数字回文//利用数字的数值方法进行回文判断#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<stdbool.h>//此方法可以直接嵌入main函数中,不需要声明自定义函数intmain(int argc,char*argv[]){printf("Please enter the number to judge:\n");int Inp;//将INP作为一个保存初始变量的整型,用于循环后...
char *string_in(char *p1, char *p2){ char *p1_save = p1, *p2_save = p2; //因为p1,p2的值在后面会改掉,所以得把p1, p2的原始值保留下来以备后用, if(*p1 == '\0' || *p2 == '\0') return NULL; //参数检查,如果p1,p2中有一个是空字符串,那么直接返回了 w...
事实上,这样也未尝不可。只不过现在 destination 变成了 char*,而且是作为指向源字符数组的指针存在。 下一个字符串操作是 strlen,它的作用是获取字符串的大小,但不包括空终止符。 #include#includeint main() {char str[] = "Hello, world!"; // The string to find the length ofint length = strlen(...
come on man im boilin come on sweetheart come on were going to come on youre almost come on come on come out from the dar come out of sth alive come out right come out come out whe come over here maria come to a conclusion come to abc come to be find out come to birth come to...
以下是源码:*//*strstr function*/#include<string.h>char *(strstr)(const char *s1, const char *s2){/* find first occurrence of s2[] in s1[] */if (*s2 == '\0')return ((char*)s1);for (; (s1 = strchr(s1, *s2)) != NULL; ++s1){/*match rest of prefix*/...