namespace EnumString { template <typename T> static inline void split_string_for_each(const std::string &str, const std::string &delimiter, const T &foreach_function, ssize_t max_number = -1) { ssize_t num = 0; std::string::size_type start; std::string::size_type end = ...
printf("enum apple as a string: %s\n",FRUIT_STRING[apple]); If the use case is literally just printing the enum name, add the following macros: #define str(x) #x #define xstr(x) str(x) Then do: printf("enum apple as a string: %s\n", xstr(apple)); In this case, it...
public class EnumChineseAttribute : Attribute { private string m_strDescription; public EnumChineseAttribute(string chineseName) { m_strDescription = chineseName; } public string Description { get { return m_strDescription; } } } enum Country { [EnumChinese("中国")...
enum typeName { valueName1, valueName2, ... };其中,enum是一个关键字,用于声明枚举类型;typeName是枚举类型的名字,可以自己取,但要符合标识符的命名规则;valueName1、valueName2等是枚举类型的成员,也就是枚举常量的名字,它们也要符合标识符的命名规则,而且不能重复。注意,枚举类型的定义要以分号`;`...
ENUM(Channel, char, Red = 1, Green, Blue) //"Same as": // enum class Channel : char { Red = 1, Green, Blue };用途:好的。1234567 Channel c = Channel::_from_string("Green"); // Channel::Green (2) c._to_string(); // string"Green" for (Channel c : Channel::_values()...
Enum枚举:枚举是一组命名整型常量,枚举类型是使用 enum 关键字声明的。枚举是值类型,数据直接存储在栈...
char* name; } Enumerate; char* enumerate_to_string(Enumerate* enumerate, uint8_t total, int32_t val); #define ENUMERATE_DEF(object) static Enumerate _ENUM_##object[] #define ENUMERATE_ITEM(val) {val, #val} #define ENUM_TO_STRING(object, val) enumerate_to_string(_ENUM_##object, ARRA...
strcpy(stu1.age,“Liang”); //因为数组在非初始化时,不能直接通过数组名直接赋值,strcpy函数需要包含头文件string.h 错误的写法 “Liang”; 4)在声明结构体变量时同时初始化,类似于数组初始化。 #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> ...
cooled selenum rectif cooled synchronous co cooledmetalnozzle coolermaster cosmos s cooley coolie charge cooling condition cooling duct cooling element cooling equipment for cooling fresh water p cooling grid cooling irradiated fu cooling pipes cooling spray cooling system water cooling systems for p cooli...