邮件库 IMAP/STMP/POP3 Email Library C/C pr**囚犯 上传1.05 MB 文件格式 zip 邮件库 IMAP STMP POP3 一个支持IMAP、STMP、POP3的邮件库,可以在VC下使用!安装包里有程序库、例子和使用手册。点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 ...
fix: Update nats.go library to fix websocket connection errors Feb 6, 2025 go.work fixup go.work Feb 6, 2025 go.work.sum fix: Update nats.go library to fix websocket connection errors Feb 6, 2025 main.go Refactor project preparing for v3 new structure ...
git config --global user.name userName git config --global user.email userEmail 使用HTTPS 协议时,命令行会出现如下账号密码验证步骤。基于安全考虑,Gitee 建议 配置并使用私人令牌 替代登录密码进行克隆、推送等操作 Username for 'https://gitee.com': userName Password for 'https://userName@gitee.com...
C++ Email Library Aspose.Email for C++is a complete set of Email Processing APIs to create, read and manipulate emails from within C++ applications. It makes it easier to work with many Outlook email message formats such as MSG, EML, EMLX and MHT files without the need of installing Microsof...
对支持的编译环境启用 C++20 协程支持对支持的编译环境启用 C++20 Module支持MSVC:默认使用 UTF-8 编码对高版本编译器设置 __cplusplus == _MSVC_LANG即设置 /Zc:__cplusplus即和C++标准保持一致可通过 -DCOMPILER_OPTION_MSVC_ZC_CPP=OFF 来关闭(非 vcpkg 模式)默认设置 CMAKE_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY 为 ...
// TO DO: If you use the Microsoft Outlook 11.0 Object Library, uncomment the following line. // using Outlook = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook; namespace SendHTMLMail { public class Class1 { public static int Main(string[] args)
Email: lengjingzju@163.com 3090101217@zju.edu.cn Star 3 Fork 1 简介 CBuild,比 Buildroot 更强大灵活、比 Yocto 更简洁快速的编译系统。 1. 提供网络下载、补丁、编译缓存机制,再次编译直接取本地缓存或网络缓存。 2. 提供编译应用(C/C++/汇编)的模板和编译驱动(C/汇编)的模板。 3. 支持编译最新...
// TO DO: If you use the Microsoft Outlook 11.0 Object Library, uncomment the following line. // using Outlook = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook; namespace SendHTMLMail { public class Class1 { public static int Main(string[] args)
library interface, as this will embed theprotobuf-cABI into your library's ABI. Nor is it recommended to install generated.pb-c.hfiles into a public header file include path as part of a library API, as this will tie clients of your library's API to particular versions oflibprotobuf-c...