1、判断文件夹是否存在 //spath:文件夹路径名usingSystem.IO;if(Directory.Exists(spath)) { }else{ DirectoryInfo directoryInfo=newDirectoryInfo(spath); directoryInfo.Create(); } 2、判断文件是否存在 //filePath 文件路径名if(!File.Exists(filePath)) {//MessageBox.Show(filePath + " not exists!");Fil...
if not exist %BUILD_DIR% md %BUILD_DIR% :: go to build directory cd %BUILD_DIR% :: run cmake by specifing: :: - generator :: - installation directory :: - CMakeLists.txt location cmake -G "Visual Studio 12 2013 Win64" ^ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=D:/lib/glfw/3.3/%BUILD_PLATF...
1 Create folder if it doesn't exist, do nothing if it does 1 How can I check for the existence of a directory in a c program and create it if it isn't there 0 how to create folders using mkdir in c? 1 How do I create a directory without using wide strings in C++? 0 ma...
你可以使用if(NOT EXISTS <file-or-directory>)来检查文件或目录是否不存在。 你可以在file(COPY <file> DESTINATION <directory>)命令之前使用if(EXISTS <file>)来确保只有在文件存在时才执行复制操作。 你可以在add_subdirectory(<directory>)命令之前使用if(EXISTS <directory>/CMakeLists.txt)来确保只有在子目录...
HANDLE hFile = CreateFile( csPath, // 要判断的文件或文件夹 0, // 我们只需要最低的权限即可 FILE_SHARE_DELETE | FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, // 我们也不会对文件有任何占用 NULL, // 安全属性,我们不关心 OPEN_EXISTING, // 只打开已存在的文件,这也是我们的目标 ...
1、判断文件夹是否存在 //spath:文件夹路径名 using System.IO; if (Directory.Exists(spath)) { } else { DirectoryInfo...directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(spath); di...
= 0) { if (mkdir (npath, parent_mode)) { builtin_error ("cannot create directory `%s': %s", npath, strerror (errno)); umask (original_umask); free (npath); return 1; } } else if (S_ISDIR (sb.st_mode) == 0) { builtin_error ("`%s': file exists but is not a ...
{// Create the folder if it does not exist.if(!Directory.Exists(strFolder)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(strFolder); }// Save the uploaded file to the server.strFilePath = strFolder + strFileName;if(File.Exists(strFilePath)) { lblUploadResult.Text = strFileName +" already exists ...
CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS ${hiveconf:out.db.name}; -- 创建表结构 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${hiveconf:out.db.name}.textTable( id bigint, name string, age int ) -- 执行逻辑 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ${hiveconf:out.db.name}.textTable AS ...
check if a process or service is hanging/not responding? Check if a text file is blank in powershell check if computer exist in ou Check if drive exists, If not map Check if Email address exists in Office 365 and if exists, Create a Unique Email address Check if event log source exist...