template<classR,classP>constevalboolis_reflection_type_well_formed() {ifconstexpr(std::is_void_v<R>){returntrue;}elseifconstexpr(std::is_constructible_v<R,std::in_place_type_t<P>>) {returnis_consteval([] {returnR{std::in_place_type<P>}; });}returnfalse;} 简单一个函数就可以判断...
P1938R3 if consteval no P1949R7 C++ Identifier Syntax using Unicode Standard Annex 31 no P2029R4 Proposed resolution for core issues 411, 1656, and 2333; numeric and universal character escapes in character and string literals no P2036R3 Change scope of lambda trailing-return-typ...
P1938R3 if consteval no P1949R7 C++ Identifier Syntax using Unicode Standard Annex 31 no P2029R4 Proposed resolution for core issues 411, 1656, and 2333; numeric and universal character escapes in character and string literals no P2036R3 Change scope of lambda trailing-return-typ...
P1938R3 if consteval no P1949R7 C++ Identifier Syntax using Unicode Standard Annex 31 no P2029R4 Proposed resolution for core issues 411, 1656, and 2333; numeric and universal character escapes in character and string literals no P2036R3 Change scope of lambda trailing-return-typ...
const修饰成员函数 友元 运算符重载 一元运算符重载 二元运算符重载 关系运算符重载 赋值运算符重载 ++ 和 -- 运算符重载 输入、输出运算符重载 函数调用()运算符重载 不要重载&&、||和,操作符 继承 继承方式 继承中的构造和析构顺序 多态 多态分类
consteval specifier chrono (Calendar, date and time) Transactional Memory (Experimental)Math and Numerical ComputingAll numeric libraries:https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/numeric Headers:<cmath> - C++ version of the C-header <math.h>. Contains basic trasncedental functions, sin, cos, tan and...
lefticus:toolsMITconsteval_invokecurry,flat_map,flat_map_adapter,lambda_coroutines,non_promoting_ints, simple_stack_(flat_map,string,vector),static_views,utility scnlibApache 2.0Modern C++ library for replacingscanfandstd::istream spdlogMITVery fast, header-only/compiled, C++ logging library ...
C++23新特性—if consteval编译时优化 一、来龙去脉C++诞生之日起使用的const关键字声明一个常量,随后在C++ 11版本中又引入了constexpr 关键字,主要功能是声明一个编译时常量表达式(constant expression)...在C++ 17版本中又对该关键字的功能进行了扩充,提供了if constexpr表达式,是指在编译阶段可以可以进行条件编译...
P1938R3 if consteval 否 P1949R7 C++ Identifier Syntax using Unicode Standard Annex 31 否 P2029R4 Proposed resolution for core issues 411, 1656, and 2333; numeric and universal character escapes in character and string literals 否 P2036R3 Change scope of lambda trailing-return-typ...