bool isnan( float arg ); (since C++11) bool isnan( double arg ); (since C++11) bool isnan( long double arg ); (since C++11) 确定给定的浮点数arg是否不是数字( NaN )。 参数 arg :浮点值 返回值 true 如果arg是 NaN ,否则 false 参考
在C语言中,当计算结果为NaN时,可以使用isnan()函数来判断是否为NaN,然后进行相应的处理。 示例代码如下: #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> int main() { double result = sqrt(-1); // 计算平方根,结果为NaN if (isnan(result)) { printf("计算结果为NaN\n"); } else { printf("计算结果...
cordyline terminalisv core address core auxiliary heat e core barrel of double core binding oil core core cells array core competence culti core competitive theo core competive abilit core complexion inc core cutter method core discharge plenum core drill machine core dumped core electrons core grinder...
ca ele cord ca id ca ofzdouble lift ca ot choose but do ca professional certi ca r boxing ca rosario central ca tan lathe cacanny ca-mmt ca-npi cacallaccounting caac civil aviation a caair caal caas commonwealth arb caat computerassisted caat computer assiste cab air filter housin cab ...
template <typename T> void myfunc(T h) { } template<> static void myfunc(double h) // static is ignored { } 在类模板内的 static_assert 中使用的常量始终都会失败。 在下面的代码中,static_assert 始终都会失败: C++ 复制 template <size_t some_value> struct S1 { static_assert(false, "...
checkArgument( permitsPerSecond > 0.0 && !Double.isNaN(permitsPerSecond), “rate must be positive”); synchronized (mutex()) { doSetRate(permitsPerSecond, stopwatch.readMicros()); } } 主要实现在SmoothRateLimiter中: @Override final void doSetRate(double permitsPerSecond, long nowMicros) { ...
//使用可变参数列表实现print("s\t c\n","bit-tech",'w');#include<stdio.h>#include<stdarg.h>voidint_to_char(intnum){if((num /10) >0) int_to_char(num /10);putchar(num %10+48); }voidmy_print(charp[],...){char*str1 = p;intnum =0;char*pVal; ...
__fwriting() — Determine if last operation on stream is a write operation fwscanf(), swscanf(), wscanf() — Convert formatted wide-character input gai_strerror() — Address and name information error description gamma() — Calculate gamma function gcvt() — Convert double to string ...
Double valueOf(String s) double parseDouble(String s) boolean isNaN(double v) boolean isInfinite(double v) boolean isFinite(double d) public Double() byte byteValue() short shortValue() int intValue() long longValue() float floatValue() ...
config.guess config.sub configure install-sh Latest commit serhiy-storchaka [2.7]bpo-34234: Use _PyAnyInt_Check() and _PyAnyInt_CheckExact(). (G… Jul 31, 2018 48c8bf2·Jul 31, 2018 History History...