/* Check for existence */ if( (_access( "ACCESS.C", 0 )) != -1 ) { printf( "File ACCESS.C exists " ); /* Check for write permission */ if( (_access( "ACCESS.C", 2 )) != -1 ) printf( "File ACCESS.C has write permission " ); } } 输出: >>File ACCESS.C exists....
(file.isDirectory()) { LOG.info("目录存在...LOG.info("目录不存在,创建目录"); file.mkdir(); } } } exists() public boolean exists()测试此抽象路径名表示的文件或目录是否存在...抛出:SecurityException如果存在安全管理器,且其SecurityManager.checkRead(java.lang.String)方法拒绝对文件或目录进行写...
其中,<OPERATION>表示要执行的文件操作,常见的操作包括EXIST、IS_DIRECTORY、IS_REGULAR_FILE等。<OUTPUT_VARIABLE>表示将结果保存到的变量名。<arguments...>是具体的操作参数,比如要检查的文件路径等。 下面是一个示例,演示如何在CMake中检查文件是否存在: 代码语言:txt 复制 file(EXISTS "path/to/file.txt" fil...
Check if a float is valid? check if directory exists Check if Iterator is valid Check if the value exist in the Registry. child process limits in service context and conhost.exe chkstk.asm is throwing an unhandled exception at start up cl.exe can't find stdlib.h on a 64 bit machine?
首先在顶层 CMakeLists 文件中添加 CheckFunctionExists.cmake 宏,并调用 check_function_exists 命令测试链接器是否能够在链接阶段找到 pow 函数。 # 检查系统是否支持 pow 函数 include (${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/CheckFunctionExists.cmake) check_function_exists (pow HAVE_POW) 将上面这段代码放在 configure_...
consistency check consistency checker consistency of stool consistencytestingsui consistent aim consistent hash consistent ink consistently and accu consititute a breach consoidated anisotrop console port console with a simple consoleradioset consoles own mind consolidated adjustme ...
The configuration takes effect as soon as it passes the syntax check. In the two-stage mode, the system configuration process is divided into two stages. In the first stage, a user enters command lines and the system performs syntax and semantics checks in the candidate database. If syntax ...
日志是应用的镜子,可以发现应用中的问题,重要性不言而喻。 打造一智能日志模块,让运维朝着自动化方向大步迈进。提高效率,降低成本,这也是一种创造利润的途径。 如今网络越来越方便,这个日志组件除了常规的记录日志外,可以对日志分等级显示不同的颜色,支持按日期切割,支持控制文件大小及定时清理若干天的记录文件。更重...
CheckCXXSourceRuns.cmake CheckCXXSymbolExists.cmake CheckCompilerFlag.cmake CheckForPthreads.c CheckFortranCompilerFlag.cmake CheckFortranFunctionExists.cmake CheckFortranSourceCompiles.cmake CheckFortranSourceRuns.cmake CheckFunctionExists.c CheckFunctionExists.cmake CheckIPOSupported.cmake CheckInclud...