pCurrentlyInUse->Xor( *pOldInUse, &bInUseXOR );//find bits that changedintj =0;while( (j = bInUseXOR.FindNextSetBit( j )) !=-1) {intiChangedUsageIndex = iBaseIndex + j;if( pOldInUse->IsBitSet( iChangedUsageIndex ) ) {//index no longer usedg_BlobParticleInterpolation.vInterpola...
CBitVec<BITS_PER_INT> bInUseXOR; pCurrentlyInUse->Xor( *pOldInUse, &bInUseXOR );//find bits that changedintj =0;while( (j = bInUseXOR.FindNextSetBit( j )) !=-1) {intiChangedUsageIndex = iBaseIndex + j;if( pOldInUse->IsBitSet( iChangedUsageIndex ) ) {//index no longer us...
include <bitset> //STL 位集容器 include <cassert> //诊断库 include <cctype> //字符处理函数库 include <cerrno> //定义错误码 include <cfloat> //浮点数处理 include <ciso646> //对应各种运算符的宏 include <climits> //定义各种数据类型最值的常量 include <clocale> //定义本地化函数 include...
然后对于每个询问,我们lower_bound到这一类hash值的位置,然后尺取法得到最小答案。 关键还是要回函数bitset._Find_first(),和bitset._Find_next(i) #include<bits/stdc++.h>#defineN 100005usingnamespacestd;chars[N],t[N]; bitset<N>b[26],tmp;intmain(){ scanf("%s",s);intn=strlen(s);for(inti=...
(n) : -(n)) // 负绝对值 #define ARRAY_SIZE(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(*(a))) // 数组大小 #define BITSET(p, n) (*(p) |= (1u << (n))) // 设置位 #define BITCLR(p, n) (*(p) &= ~(1u << (n))) // 清除位 #define BITGET(i, n) ((i) & (1u << (n))) ...
std::bitset有一个.to_string()方法,它返回一个std::string,它以二进制形式保存文本表示,带有前导零填充。 根据数据的需要选择位集的宽度,例如std::bitset<32>从32位整数中获取32个字符的字符串。 #include <iostream> #include <bitset> int main() { std::string binary = std::bitset<8>(128).to_...
// We have bitset_get(b, 3) is true // You can iterate through the values: size_t k = 0; for (size_t i = 0; bitset_next_set_bit(b, &i); i++) { // You will have i == k k += 3; } // We support a wide range of operations on two bitsets such as // bitset_...
1Node * searchList(Node * head,intfind)2{3Node * pClock = head->next;4Node * pAntiClock = head->pre;5while(pAntiClock != pClock->pre)6{7if(pClock->data == find)8returnpClock;9if(pAntiClock->data == find)10returnpAntiClock;11if(pClock == pAntiClock)12returnNULL;13pClock =...
(同上的不再注释)#include algorithm //STL 通用算法#include bitset //STL 位集容器#include cctype#include cerrno#include clocale#include cmath#include complex //复数类#include cstdio#include cstdlib#include cstring#include ctime#include deque //STL 双端队列容器#include exception //异常处理类#...
std::bitset constructorThe std::bitset constructor no longer reads the ones and zeroes in reverse order for large bitsets.std::pair::operator= regressionWe fixed a regression in the std::pair assignment operator introduced when implementing LWG 2729 "Missing SFINAE on std::pair::operator=";. ...