C++ application development framework. + 版本 + 产品名称 Qt5 + 描述 空值 + 公司名称 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies) + 版权 Copyright (C) 2013 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies). + 文件MD5 c9e4b556b594f714af4d576cf286baa1 ...
C # desktop application cross platform (Windows, Linux, macOS) development framework, based on GTK components. Using this framework to develop projects, Visual Studio can use C #'s native Winform form designer. The same properties, methods, and events ca
This appendix provides details about events that can be audited in Oracle Application Development Framework. Use this information to understand the structure of each event record to develop custom reports. The following documents provide more information to help you write custom reports: "Attributes of ...
Share Open in MATLAB Online Download Synchro-measurement Application Development Framework (SADF) is a MATLAB supported library to facilitate simplified design and online validation of advanced closed-loop control Wide Area Monitoring, Protection, and Cont...
Cocos3D is a sophisticated, yet intuitive and easy-to-use, 3D application development framework for the iOS platform. With Cocos3D, you can build sophisticated, dynamic 3D games and applications using Objective-C. - cocos3d/cocos3d
如果你选择.net阵营,.net framework 就是你最好的选择。 如果你希望程序不止在windows使用,那么跨平台的QT GTK+ wxWindow 都是你的好选择。他们在保证效率的同时,适当抽象,抚平了底层操作系统的差异。 对于学习C++的人来说,上述库都是可以用的。但如果你是C语言死忠,就我的认知,可以直接用API,否则只有一个...
什么是Vcpkg https://vcpkg.io https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg 来自微软的C/C++依赖性管理器,适用于所有平台、构建系统和工作流程 Vcpkg是微软的一个跨平台开源软件包管理器。 Vcpkg是一个免费的C/C++软件包管理器,用于获取和管理
变量:CMAKE_FRAMEWORK_PATH 3、由HINTS选项指定的搜索路径。这些路径是由系统内省(introspection)时计算出来的路径,比如已经发现的其他项的位置所提供的痕迹。硬编码的参考路径应该使用PATHS选项指定。(HINTS与PATHS有何不同?比后者的优先级高?有疑问。——译注) ...