LeetCode刷题笔记---Add Two Numbers 最近开始刷LeetCode,为了以后的工作做准备。 1. Add Two Numberes 题目要求:输入两个链表,分别为: l1 : 2 >- 4 >- 3 l2 : 5 >- 6 >- 4 要求输出结果为: l3 : 7 >- 0 >- 8 分析:通过观察可以发现,其实就是从左向右对应位置相加,如果大于10,就像右进...
1. 分别使用/和%来代表进位符号flag和当前位的值value 2. 成立哑结点(头结点),这样可以方便很多。 Python代码 #Definition for singly-linked list.#class ListNode(object):#def __init__(self, x):#self.val = x#self.next = NoneclassSolution(object):defaddTwoNumbers(self, l1, l2):""":type l1...
//不创建新链表,直接把结果存到l1上,并对多出来的部分做"嫁接"处理//Runtime: 112 ms, faster than 99.52% of JavaScript online submissions for Add Two Numbers.varaddTwoNumbers2 =function(l1, l2) { let dummy= { next: l1 },//结果链表的head指针tail = dummy,//tail总是指向l1的前继元素(也...
(2)格式:对于变量来说,格式为:putchar(ch);对于常量来说,格式为:putchar(‘ch’),对于转义字符来说,格式为:putchar(’\n’)。 sprintf()做字符串拼接 难度指数:2颗星 / 细节指数:2颗星 / 重要指数:4颗星 字符串的处理一直是很重要的问题,C语言中的字符串拼接又不像Python里面直接一个加号就能解决的。
Telephone numbers Units of measure Copyright C cable Usecableto describe what physically connects two pieces of hardware. Don’t usecablingeven when you meancablecollectively; usecables. See alsocord. cache (n., v.), cached (v., adj.), caching (n., v.) ...
10Regular Expression Matching 9Palindrome NumberC 8String to Integer (atoi)C 7Reverse IntegerC 6ZigZag ConversionC 5Longest Palindromic SubstringC++ 4Median of Two Sorted Arrays 3Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters 2Add Two NumbersC 1Two SumC...
Telephone numbers Units of measure Copyright C cable Usecableto describe what physically connects two pieces of hardware. Don’t usecablingeven when you meancablecollectively; usecables. See alsocord. cache (n., v.), cached (v., adj.), caching (n., v.) ...
double avg = calculateAverage(numbers, size);printf("The average of the array is: %.2f\n", avg);return 0;} 案例3:判断一个数是否为素数 #include <stdio.h> #include <stdbool.h> bool isPrime(int number) { if (number <= 1) { return false;} for (int i = 2; i <= number / 2...
This is a C program to Find the Sum of two Binary Numbers. Problem Description This program finds the sum of two binary numbers. Problem Solution 1. Take two binary numbers as input. 2. Add each bits from the two binary numbers separately starting from LSB. ...
Input: (2 -> 4 -> 3) + (5 -> 6 -> 4) Output: 7 -> 0 -> 8 Explanation: 342 + 465 = 807. 详见:https://leetcode.com/problems/add-two-numbers/description/ Java实现: /** * Definition for singly-linked list. * public class ListNode{* int val; ...