Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package (x64) 安装Visual C++ 库的运行时组件,使用户能够在未安装 Visual C++ 2010 SP1 的计算机上运行使用 Visual C++ 2010 SP1 开发的64位应用程序。此软件包安装C运行时 (CRT)、标准 C++、ATL、MFC、OpenMP 和 MSDIA 库的运行时组件。对于支持并行部署模型的库...
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package (x64) 安装在未安装 Visual C++ 2010 的计算机上运行使用 Visual C++ 开发的 64 位应用程序所需的 Visual C++ 库的运行时组件。 此软件包安装 C Runtime (CRT)、Standard C++、ATL、M FC、OpenMP 和 MSDIA 库 ...
Microsoft Visual C 2008 Redistributable Package (x64) Microsoft Visual C 2010 Microsoft Visual C 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) Microsoft Visual C 2010 SP1 Redis...
The install was looking for Visual C++ 2010 SP1, so I installed it and the install works fine now. What is perplexing is the file version on our base install shows 10.0.40219.325, while the version on SP1 shows 10.0.40219.1. I've tried running SP1 on another machine and checked HKLM\Sof...
Microsoft Visual c++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package(x64) Microsoft Visual c++ 2010 Redistributable Package(x86) Microsoft Visual c++ 2010 Redistributable Package(x64) Microsoft Visual c++ Redistributable Package(IA64) 如此多的版本难免让人看得眼花缭乱。下面,我就通过对大家常见的问题进行解答的方式来破解...
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package下载:版)版) ...
The Windows 10 Universal C Runtime (CRT) is a Windows operating system component. The Windows Update package on this page allows Windows desktop applications that depend on the Windows 10 Universal CRT release to run on Windows Vista SP2, Windows 7 SP1,
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) version: 8.0.61001 Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x64) Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 Professional Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(171,5): error MSB6006: "cmd.exe" exited ...
微软的Visual C + + 2010 SP1可再发行组件包(X86) 翻译结果2复制译文编辑译文朗读译文返回顶部 翻译结果3复制译文编辑译文朗读译文返回顶部 Microsoft Visual c + + 2010 SP1 可再发行组件程序包 (86) 翻译结果4复制译文编辑译文朗读译文返回顶部 微软visualc++2010sp1可重新分发软件包(x86) ...
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