调用std::make_unique 是一种限制调用顺序的方法,从而使事情变得安全: f(std::make_unique<MyClass>(param), g()); // Syntax B 从那时起,C++17 已经澄清了评估顺序,使得语法 A 也安全,所以这是我的问题: 是否还有理由使用 std::make_unique 而不是 std::unique_ptr 的构造函数C++17?你能举一些例...
typename... Args>std::unique_ptr<T> make_unique(Args&&... args){ return std:...
#include<iostream>#include<memory>intmain(){structC{int a=1;int b=2;};std::shared_ptr<C>p1(newC);std::unique_ptr<int>p2(newint(40));std::shared_ptr<int>p3=std::make_shared<int>(15);std::unique_ptr<int>p4=std::make_unique<int>(10);std::weak_ptr<int>p5=p3;std::cout<<...
unique_ptr<Foo>p{newFoo{7}};// OK: but repetitiveauto q=make_unique<Foo>(7);// Better: no repetition of Foo// Not exception-safe: the compiler may interleave the computations of //arguments as follows:/// 1. allocate memory for Foo,// 2. construct Foo,// 3. call bar,// 4....
Get Unique Hardware ID or CPU Id Get user SID in unmanaged C++ GetElementsByTagName() and GetElementByID() what's different? getline() function identifier not found gettimeofday Getting 'fatal error C1189: #error : ERROR: msclr libraries are not compatible with /clr:oldSyntax' in one machine...
在c++17以前,构造std::pair/std::tuple时必须指定数据类型或使用std::make_pair/std::make_tuple函数,c++17为std::pair/std::tuple新增了推导规则,可以不再显示指定类型。 // pre c++17std::pair<int, std::string> p1{3.14,'pi's};auto p1 = std::make_pair(3.14,'pi's);// c++17std::pair ...
CPMAddPackage(NAME#The unique name of the dependency (should be the exported target's name)VERSION#The minimum version of the dependency (optional, defaults to 0)OPTIONS#Configuration options passed to the dependency (optional)DOWNLOAD_ONLY#If set, the project is downloaded, but not configured (...
c transportable moist c u when you get ther c unique c write cgi test proc c wrote saddle point c fruit juices c m cyclostegia c o occidentalis cd collected and deli ceairlines staff cebusiness manager cefund manager cemanufacturing engin cepromotional manager cesecretaryprovincial cesound en...
create translation me create unique works create very rare crys create wbs bom createremove blight r created by a person created a bad influen created by china created in a certain creategravity creates a link struct creates even more fre creates first class creates process createexplicitkeyscal ...
${workspaceHash}– hash of workspace location; useful for creating a unique identifier for the current workspace (e.g. to use in folder paths) ${projectFile}– the full path for the root CMakeLists.txt ${projectDir}– the full path to the folder of the root CMakeLists.txt file ...