Map of Byzantine Constantinople under Constantine, Justinian and Heraclius. Explore Hagia Sophia, the Hippodrome, the Forum of Constantine and other features.
"The most significant of these changes were the emergence of Christianity as the favored (and then the official) religion of the state, and the creation of Constantinople as the new urban center of the empire on the shores of the Bosphorus, midway between all the empire's frontiers," Gregory...
Geographically, ancient Rome and the Byzantine Empire were very alike. The map in document 6 indicates the Byzantine Empire controlled North Africa, and land around the Mediterranean, which is similar to ancient Rome. Cultures usually depend on geographic locations, therefore, since the empires had ...
Map of theByzantine Empireduring Middle Ages Over its thousand-year history, the Byzantine Empire had a significant impact on Eastern Europe and the development of its cultures, economies, and societies. The Rise of the Byzantine Empire TheByzantine Empirewas f...
Chora Church was converted into a mosque during theOttoman Empireand was named the Kariye Mosque. The building, which was used as a museum for 90 years like Hagia Sophia, has now been converted into a mosque again. Chora Church, or Kariye Mosque, as it is known today, is the second mos...
Byzantine Empire Dbq Analysis The Byzantine people must have suffered from numerous attacks resulting in their vulnerability and ultimately the immense loss of territory such as Anatolia (Doc 9.) This map illustrates the new empires that arose on once Byzantine land. The map shows the division of...
Eastern Orthodox Christianity Pervasive influence on every aspect of Byzantine life. Provided a cultural identity for the empire’s subjects. More than being “Roman” they were “right-thinking” What do you notice about Byzantine art and architecture?
the eastern half lived on for a thousand years until 1453 as the "Byzantine Empire," with its capital at Constantinople (modern Istanbul). (This site haslinks to off-site mapsso you can see the extent of the empire at various times.) Coins of the early Byzantine empire were gold, silver...
THE BYZANTINE EMPIRE. SSWH 4 Analyze the importance of the Byzantine and Mongol Empires between 450 and 1500 CE.
Geographically, ancient Rome and the Byzantine Empire were very alike. The map in document 6 indicates the Byzantine Empire controlled North Africa, and land around the Mediterranean, which is similar to ancient Rome. Cultures usually depend on geographic locations, therefore, since the empires had ...