importrandomBytesReadableStreamfrom'random-bytes-readable-stream';randomBytesReadableStream({size:10}).pipe(process.stdout); API randomBytesReadableStream(options?) Returns astream.Readable. By default, it produces infinite data. options Type:Object
Netty4是一个基于Java的高性能网络通信框架,可用于构建可扩展的服务器和客户端应用程序。readableBytes是Netty4中的一个方法,用于获取可读取的字节数。 在Netty4中,readableBytes方法用于获取当前可读取的字节数。它返回一个整数值,表示当前可读取的字节数。这个方法通常用于判断是否有足够的字节可供读取,以及获取可读取...
2. System.out.println("初始化:"+heapBuffer); 3. heapBuffer.writeBytes("测试测试测试"); 4. System.out.println("写入测试测试测试:"+heapBuffer); 5. ByteBuf heapBuffer = Unpooled.buffer(8); 6. System.out.println("初始化:"+heapBuffer); 7. heapBuffer.writeBytes("测试测试测试"); 8. ...
Bytes in a human readable string
@@ -83,6 +83,8 @@ function Readable(options) { this._readableState = new ReadableState(options, this); this.bytesRead = 0; // legacy this.readable = true; @@ -135,6 +137,7 @@ function readableAddChunk(stream, state, chunk, encoding, addToFront) { var e = new Error('stream....
* Converts a long string of bytes into a readable format e.g KB, MB, GB, TB, YB * * @param {Int} num The number of bytes. */ function readableBytes($bytes) { $i = floor(log($bytes) / log(1024)); $sizes = array('B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', ...
input.readBytes(data, offset, len); part_expected++; offset += len; } 开发者ID:F1r3w477,项目名称:CustomWorldGen,代码行数:13,代码来源 注:本文中的方法示例由纯净天空整理自Github/MSDocs等开源代码及文档管理平台,相关代码片段筛选自...
However, sometimes it is hard to dial with ByteBuffer without async interface, such as ByteBuffer.withUnsafeReadableBytes that accepts async closure. I have the following use case: let channel = try await ClientBootstrap(group: Self.eventLoopGroup) .connect(host: ipAddress, port: port) { chann...
Reading invalid data from ' ': the readable size is '40' bytes, but '44' bytes may be read - C++ 文章 28/12/2019 QuestionSaturday, December 28, 2019 8:52 PMHello,What is this and how can I fix it?Thanksprettyprint 複製