At a glance: ByteDance Ads China (Ocean Engine), an AppsFlyer integrated partner, is an Internet technology company operating several...
进入Integrated Partners 页面后, 在相应搜索框输入 bytedance_int,进一步点击搜索按钮。 进入Bytedance Ads - China Traffic 巨量引擎的配置页面,打开“激活” 按钮,渠道对接-整体配置部分保持默认配置——展示归因功能打开 & 应用激活数据默认回调给媒体。 在归因链接版面,可直接取出预配置好的点击归因链接,应用到巨量引...
dependencies: [ .package(url:"", .exact("6.1.0-release.4")) ] Enable the-ObjCflag in Xcode: select Build Settings, search for Other Linker Flags and add-ObjC. Check out ourintegration docsfor more info on getting started with Pangle SDK....
2020年4月10日,省广集团正式与字节跳动ByteDance签署出海合作协议,成为TikTok Ads出海核心代理,获得TikTok(抖音国际版)等多款海外流量产品在五大洲150多个国家和地区的出海代理权.此次签约也是继Google CDVIP和DVIP双牌照、Google PWA认证后的又一项海外市场的核心资质与资源。
Expecting an offer from ByteDance, Ads Infra team based out of Seattle/Bellevue.How is it in terms of tech stack, WLB etc. ?Current TC: 190kYoE: 2 yrs Sort by :Top GoogleleMeBooMay 23, 2021 Would be hard to survive you are not Chinese. Look out for review on Glassdoor etc. I ...
Bytedance Goads Tencent With Competing English Learning Platform (Yicai Global) May 18 -- Beijing Bytedance Technology Co. has begun testing an online education platform to compete directly with a service run by Tencent Holdings Ltd., which Bytedance accused of defamation in a suit accepted by the...
字节跳动英文是ByteDance。字节跳动一般指北京字节跳动科技有限公司。重点词汇:dance 音标:英 [dɑːns] 美 [dæns]意思:(1)n.跳舞;舞蹈;舞步;舞蹈(艺术)。(2)v.跳舞;跳…舞;跳跃;雀跃;轻快地移动。复数: dances 现在分词: dancing 过去式: danced 过去分词: danced 例句...
8.13二面挂搜索后端,base上海:9.6一面 -> 9.12二面挂国际化广告,solution engineer,base上海:9.30一面 -> 10.9二面 -> 10.15三面挂国际化广告,ads infra,base北京:11.8一面 -> 11.13二面 -> 11.18三面挂前两个流程的...
refactor: 💡 (xgplayer-ads) 完善IMA SDK集成能力 Aug 12, 2024 xgplayer.png commit v3 code Apr 7, 2023 yarn.lock Auto Publish npm version v3.0.20-rc.5 Aug 14, 2024 README MIT license Introduction xgplayer is a web video player library. It has designed a separate, detachable UI componen...
1 WatchingThursday’s Congressional grilling of TikTok CEO Shou Chewleft me convinced of two things: that I am glad not to work in comms for that social platform, and that I may never get the hang of that social platform. My engagement so far with the ByteDance-owned app could makemy ap...