This procedure employs two byte to bit conversion, which is the opposite of bit-to-byte conversion. The binary value is61049 Divide‘61049’by‘256’to get‘238.472’. All of the left digits are238 Subtract the initial‘121’left digit and‘238’right digit by $238 \times 256$. ...
excelvbabinary 6 由于我对VBA比较新,并根据我在该网站上得到的建议,我试图养成编写代码时指定数据类型的习惯。我一直在查看以下网页上列出的数据类型,并考虑了每种数据类型可能使用的情况: 然而,我有一个...
; } /* int bytes = serialPort2.BytesToRead; while (bytes > 0) { byte[] buffer = new byte[bytes]; serialPort2.Read(buffer, 0, bytes); List<byte> myBytesList = buffer.ToList(); value = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(myBytesList.ToArray());*/ } } private void button1_ecr...