At least, not enough to watch an entire show about the character. There are a lot of anecdotes about the production of the show that prove that Bob was wrong about the entire thing. WE LOVE THE SHOW!! Star Wars George Lucas, along with most of the team at Fox Studios believed that...
Using these attributes together, we can scale our images in millions of different ways. The hidden powers of SVG Besides tags, curves, and coordinates, SVG hides some surprises, too. First, you can putraster imagesinside them. So, always make sure to check if the SVG image you’re...
Advertisers are going to continue to take more ownership of their programmatic work in some way, hopefully finding a happy balance with agencies, combining best of both worlds Quality media will see a resurgence – it will at least be given air to breathe. Quality sites will be seen for what...
Scale to compete is another topic of intense debate. Anyone who has run an attribution model on one of their campaigns will see that a number of sites can feature heavily across a number of exposures on a campaign but the last click will often fall to a small list of companies that effec...
The maximum frequency tolerance for board-mounted, uncompensated quartz-crystal oscillators is probably in the range of 10-4 (100 ppm). Many if not most Internet timekeeping systems can tolerate jitter to at least the order of the intrinsic local-clock resolution, called precision in the NTP spe...
at least in EMEA. I have said all along that I still see this a very difficult market place for the independent DSPs, not impossible of course and I look forward to working with a number of them as we continue to test and learn, but difficult. Perhaps by buying Mexad they see a qu...