An argument passed ByRef (by reference), the default, must have the precise data type expected in the procedure. This error has the following cause and solution:You passed an argument of one type that could not be coerced to the type expected. For example, this error occurs if you try ...
在你的Private Sub triangle(str As Integer, n As Integer) 方法中,参数str 是Integer类型。而你调用的时候:Call triangle(chx, num) 中的chx是String 类型当然不匹配了。你把Private Sub triangle(str As Integer, n As Integer)改成 Private Sub triangle(str As String , n As Integer)就...
Dim A As Variant, B As Integer When you call Macro2, the argument that you pass to the ByRef argument A must be Integer (I assume that Intger was a typo). Since A is effectively declared as Variant in the line above, you get a Type Mismatch error. Solution: Dim A As ...
如何处理TensorFlow中的InvalidArgumentError:数据类型不匹配摘要大家好,我是默语,擅长全栈开发、运维和人工智能技术。...该错误通常出现在数据类型不匹配的情况下,通过本文的深入剖析和实际案例展示,帮助大家更好地理解和解决这一问题。...具体来说,Data type mismatch错误通常发生在操作所需的数据类型与实际提供的数据...
When the ActiveX server method invoked by this function fails with the error codesDISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND,DISP_E_TYPEMISMATCH, orE_INVALIDARG, the parameter position of the invalid argument can be stored in the errorParamPos member of this parameter. ...
If you need to call the procedure with an argument type different from the parameter type but do not need to return a value into the calling argument, define the parameter to beByValinstead ofByRef.
ByRef argument type mismatch错误。 这是我调用该函数的部分: Dim ar As Variant Dim curAr As Variant Dim curLastRow As Integer With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("B Averages") lastRowAverages = .Range("A" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).row End With ar = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("B Averages").Range(...
PeriodSheet未声明,或声明为变量。您尚未将其声明为String,否则将从For Each行得到错误“For Each控制...
因此,如果PeriodSheet* 需要 * 是一个变量,那么可以通过执行以下操作来避免调用函数时的类型不匹配错误...