启动安装程序:首先,确保你的电脑已经准备好安装Windows 11。可以从微软官网下载ISO文件或者使用Windows媒体创建启动盘。 进入OOBE界面:在安装过程中,当你看到“Let's connect you to a network”(连接网络)的屏幕时,按下Shift+F10键。这将打开一个命令提示符窗口。 输入命令:在命令提示符窗口中,输入以下命令并按回...
在Mac OS系统使用VMWare Fusion 安装Windows 11,安装过程有一步骤需要连接网络,但是电脑没有网口,后来经过搜索,使用Shift + Fn + F10 调出终端,然后输入OOBE\BYPASSNRO,然后就会重启,重启之后会跳过联网的步骤,就可以直接进行下一步了。 网上查找的资料: OOBE代表“Out-of-Box Experience”,指的是用户首次启动新购...
1、杀掉该进程 OOBE Network Connection Flow 1)在要求连网界面,按下组合键Shift + F10;或者Shift + Fn+F10,会弹出一个命令行窗口 2)在命令行窗口输入taskmgr并回车; 3)在打开的任务管理器进程中找到网络数据流进程之类字眼并结束或者在任务管理器进程里找到 OOBE Network Connection Flow 进程再右键点击 , 选择...
这里的“bypass”意为“绕过”,而“nro”很可能是“network requirement”(网络要求)的缩写,因此'bypassnro'整体被理解为“绕过网络要求”。 'bypassnro'在不同领域的应用 虽然'bypassnro'这一术语最初是在Windows 11系统安装过程中被广泛提及,但其核心思想——绕过某些限制或要...
oobe\bypassnro is no longer a valid method to install without network with Build 25193. It ends up with this screen. whatever that means? My Computer Bree Well-known member Guru VIP Local time 9:51 PM Posts 16,415 Location S/E England, UK Visit site OS Windows 11 Home Sep...
Windows 11 is a little trickier to install with a local account and no working Internet link than was Windows 10. That said, there’s a “trick” you can use to take a Windows 11 Install network bypass. It relies on a specific command file in the %windir%\System32\oobe folder named ...
You can also bypass “Let’s connect you to a network” in Windows 10/11 by ending the network connection flow process. Follow the next steps to have a try. Step 1: If you are stuck on “Let’s connect you to a network”, pressShift + F10to open Command Prompt on your computer....
oobe\bypassnro has nothing to do with upgrade, it is an option that can be used during a clean install when you don't have a network connection to the internet. It allows to install without logging in and it can just create a local offline windows account instead of forcing the use of...
HideOnlineAccountScreens --指定是否要求用户在 OOBE 期间进行登录。 HideWirelessSetupInOOBE --隐藏“加入无线网络”页面。 NetworkLocation --指定网络类型。 OEMAppID --使 OEM 能够指定应用信息。 ProtectYourPC-- 隐藏“帮助保护计算机并自动改进 Windows”页面。 该页指定是否自动下载和安装更新。