Deobandi Deobstruct deobstruent deoch-an-doruis deodand deodar deodar cedar deodate deodorant deodorise deodorization deodorize deodorizer deodourant deodourise Deonerate deontic deontic logic deontological deontologist deontology Deoperculate ▼
Define denunciatorily. denunciatorily synonyms, denunciatorily pronunciation, denunciatorily translation, English dictionary definition of denunciatorily. n. 1. The act or an instance of denouncing, especially a public condemnation or censure. 2. The rep
ECO-FIRENDLY ANTIVACTERIAL-AIR FRESH DEODORANT INCLUDING BYPRODCUTS OF ISLAND THYME (FROM ULLEUNG ISLAND, KOREA) AND MANUFACTURING METHOD THEREOFIn the present invention, provided is an eco-friendly antibacterial-air fresh deodorant including ceramic honey comb with by-products of island thyme (from...
denunciate denunciation denunciative denunciator denunciatory denutrition Denver Denver boot Denver omelet deny denyingly Denys Deo gratias Deo volente Deobandi Deobstruct deobstruent deoch-an-doruis deodand deodar deodar cedar deodate deodorant ▼
with the general sense “performing” or “a person or thing that performs” the action denoted by the verb; often in nouns denoting participants in a formalized activity (applicant; contestant; defendant) or denoting substances that bring about a desired result (coolant; deodorant; lubricant). ...
Define denumerablely. denumerablely synonyms, denumerablely pronunciation, denumerablely translation, English dictionary definition of denumerablely. adj. Capable of being put into one-to-one correspondence with the positive integers; countable. de·nu′
Twitter Google Share on Facebook irritatingly Thesaurus Medical ir·ri·tate (ĭr′ĭ-tāt′)·ri·tat·ed,ir·ri·tat·ing,ir·ri·tates 1.To cause (someone) to feel impatient or angry; annoy:a loud, bossy voice that irritates listeners.See Synonyms atannoy. ...
underarm deodorant N→ desodorante m C. ADV to serve underarm→ sacar sin levantar el brazo por encima Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, ...
1.Of orrelatingtowomenorgirls. 2.Characterizedby orpossessingqualitiestraditionallyattributedtowomen,suchasdemureness. 3.Effeminate;womanish. 4.GrammarRelatingorbelongingtothegenderofwordsorformsthatreferchieflytofemalesor tothingsgrammaticallyclassifiedasfemale. ...
Thesaurus Medical Related to perspiringly:Dogmatists per·spire (pər-spīr′) v.per·spired,per·spir·ing,per·spires v.intr. To excrete perspiration through the pores of the skin. To expel through external pores; exude. ...