主营业务: 德国BYK色差仪 、BYK光泽度仪 、德国Walter高压蒸汽喷射仪 、德国Erichsen 刮擦仪 、美国Taber 1700旋转磨耗仪 、德国Liebisch盐雾箱 、BYK-Gardner百格刀 企业档案 供应商品 联系企业BYK6801色差仪45/0 60光泽度仪Spectrophotometer价格 ¥ 68000.00 ¥ 68000.00 起订数 1台起批 1台起批 发货地...
主营商品:德国BYK色差仪、BYK光泽度仪、德国Walter高压蒸汽喷射仪、德国Erichsen 刮擦仪、美国Taber 1700旋转磨耗仪、德国Liebisch盐雾箱、BYK-Gardner百格刀 进入店铺 全部商品 店内热销 查看详情 PV1210循环盐雾腐蚀箱 盐雾/冷凝/标准气候交变测试 ¥22.00万 查看详情 德国毕克BYK4561/4562/4563光泽度仪/微型光泽...
The spectro2guide portable spectrophotometer from BYK-Gardner is designed for solid color measurement. Like its predecessor, color and 60° gl
This is where a spectrophotometer such asBYK-Gardner’s spectro2guidecould have come in handy for the producer of the carrier bags. The device accurately measures colors using digital standards. To develop this tool, the German company uses various SEGGER libraries and tools. BYK-Gardner’s move...
Benchtop spectrophotometers: BYK-Gardner USA Columbia, Md.doi:10.1016/S0026-0576(97)89058-7ELSEVIERMetal Finishing
BYK6801,色差仪,Spectrophotometer,45,60光泽度仪 仪器仪表/光学仪器/光学测量仪 立即拨号 BYK6801色差仪 分光测色仪 光泽度仪 分光色彩精灵 ¥ 68000.00 /台 BYK6801色差仪,分光测色仪,光泽度仪,分光色彩精灵,BYK,Gardner 仪器仪表/光学仪器/光学测量仪 立即拨号 德国BYK6801色差仪分光色彩精灵颜色光泽测...
Portable spectrophotometer: Byk-Gardner USA Silver Spring, Md. BYK-Gardner USA is introducing a new benchtop spectrophotometer, the color2view, which represents a revolution in color measurement in every respect. By combining several, different measurement methods, the color2view becomes an objectiv......
BYK-Gardner offers a complete line of visual color comparators and objective instruments for liquid color measurement. Color of Transparent Liquids Objectively Measured with Spectrophotometers The LCM and LCS IV are reliable color instruments which replace conventional visual color evaluation with an objecti...
Color tolerancing - easy to master with BYK-Gardner!BE SMART – GO DIGITAL smart-lab Software Your tool for project management of color data and guide to set Pass/Fail limits. Learn more Outstanding Technical Performance for Reliable Color and Effect Measurement The BYK-mac i spectrophotometer use...
In North America, BYK-Gardner markets a complete line of laboratory and pilot plant size dispersers. Temperature Measurement The proper temperature range to cure a coating has an important impact on the final paint film properties. To study a new paint formulation, BYK-Gardner’s Gradient Oven ...