产品组:消泡剂和脱泡剂 产品系列 BYK is BYK's long-standing number-one brand for a wide range of additives. This brand combines a broad portfolio of defoamers and air release agents, surface additives, adhesion promoter and coupling agents as well as some wetting and dispersing additives to pro...
BYK®-024 FOR INKS Datasheet (Portuguese) BYK®-024 FOR INKS (English) 無料アカウントを作成する サプライヤーのサイトにアクセスしてサポートを依頼する 共有する: カテゴリ Raw Materialsカテゴリ Additives ~ Anti-Foaming Agents / Defoamers ~ Silicon Based Compounds ~ Siloxanes...
Germany BYK BYK coating additive defoamer BYK-024 英文别名: Germany BYK BYK coating additive defoamer BYK-024 中文名: 德国毕克BYK涂料助剂消泡剂 BYK-024 中文别名: 德国毕克BYK涂料助剂消泡剂 BYK-024 CBNumber: CB33044192 分子式: 分子量: 0
BYK-024 作为消泡剂推荐用于水性乳液胶粘剂的消泡。 建议用量 0.05-1% 助剂用量(购入形式)基于总配方。以上推荐添加量仅供参考,最佳添加量需经过一系列试验确定。 该助剂可在生产的任何阶段加入。 玻璃纤维浸润剂产品特性及优点 BYK-024 推荐用于水性玻璃纤维浸润剂的消泡。
So a suitable defoamer should solve the problem. We recommend the classic way: Choose BYK-024 as a startingpoint and check on defoaming and cratering. No craters and no defoaming? Try BYK-022 as stronger defoamer. If the defoamer causes cratering it is recommended to apply higher shear ...
BYK-024消泡剂不含有VOC,主要应用于水性乳胶漆、印刷油墨、罩光清漆、乳液胶粘剂等区域,德国毕克byk024用在乳胶漆等区域体系中相容性好、多用途、易添加,也可应用于水性 UV 体系。原装BYK进口消泡剂现货供应,免费试样!电话:13929208526
•Whatisfoam-foamstabilization什么是泡-稳泡•Modeofactionofdefoamers消泡剂的工作模式•Defoamerclasses消泡剂的种类•Defoamertestmethods选择消泡剂的测试方法 PetervanDam,BYK-Chemie,PGMSurfaceAdditives BubblesBreakatSurface*气泡在表面破裂* Lamella=doublewallinterface膜层=两层界面 Drainageeffect Pureliquidsdonot...
Silicone Defoamer Selection - Aqueous Systems* 水性体系中的消泡剂的选择 • strongly hydrophobic • more incompatible •强憎水性 •更不相容 BYK-093 BYK-025 BYK-024/BYK-025 Combination 组合 BYK-022/BYK-024 combination 组合 BYK-019 BYK-024 BYK-021 BYK-018 BYK-022 ...
BYK内部公司培训资料-消泡剂作用原理 Defoamer Wesel,2007,MaxMustermann Content •Whatisfoam-foamstabilization •Modeofactionofdefoamers •Defoamerclasses •Defoamertestmethods 2/5/2019,Page2,Defoamer CausesforFoamBubbles •Adsorbedair(pigments,extenders)•Reactionbubbles(e.g.,carbondioxideinPUsystems)...
Perfect surfaces with BYK defoamers and air release agents. Here you will find our additive recommendations: silicone, mineral oil, and polymer defoamers.