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季K 年K 资金分布 单位: 万 净流出 8.63 84.01%3.58%12.37% 流入:0.00 流出:8.64 0.00 特大 7.26 0.00 大单 0.31 0.00 中单 0.00 0.00 小单 1.07 资金流向 实时日周月 整体 特大单 大单 中单 小单 新闻 百老汇金融 | 10-Q:2024财年三季报
-0.3100-4.30% 收盘价 11/26 16:00 (美东) 6287.53万总市值24.64市盈率TTM 7.3163最高价6.7600最低价5.05万股成交量7.1200今开7.2100昨收34.98万成交额0.99%换手率13.53市盈率(静)911.24万总股本7.990052周最高0.22市净率3534.86万流通值4.406352周最低--股息TTM512.30万流通股103.8051历史最高--股息率TTM7.72%振幅...
BYFC Stock Price 1D 5D 1M 6M YTD 1Y 5Y 10Y MAX Basic Advanced +15.42% Broadway Financial Corporation price and volume Combination chart with 2 data series. Chart represents Broadway Financial Corporation price and volume over 1Y period The chart has 2 X axes displaying Time, and Time. The...
Broadway Financial Corporation stock price (BYFC) Buying or selling a stock that’s not traded in your local currency? Don’t let the currency conversion trip you up. Convert Broadway Financial Corporation stocks or shares into any currency with our handy tool, and you’ll always know what yo...
考慮買入或賣出以外幣交易的股票?Wise簡單方便的工具可以幫你將Broadway Financial Corporation的股票轉換成不同的貨幣,而且匯率和收費公平透明。Broadway Financial Corporation NASDAQ: BYFC 7.50 USD 由Alpha Vantage提供。 選擇股票 選擇一種貨幣 USD 了解關於Wise的資訊立即開戶 ...
Stock Price Prediction If tomorrow:Open lowerOpen higher High:7.72 - 7.767.76 - 7.79 Low:7.4 - 7.467.46 - 7.5 Close:7.44 - 7.527.52 - 7.58 Company Description Broadway Financial Corporation operates as the holding company for City First Bank, National Association that provides various banking ...
百老汇金融(BYFC)公告一览 代码名称相关链接最新价涨跌额涨跌幅振幅成交量(股)成交额(美元)市盈率 BYFC 百老汇金融 行情 F10 股吧 - - - - - - -美股F10 核心必读 公司概况 财务分析 股本股东 分红派息 主营构成 高管研究 资产负债表 综合损益表 现金流量表 董事及股东权益 机构明细...
Discover real-time Broadway Financial Corporation Class A Common Stock (BYFC) stock prices, quotes, historical data, news, and Insights for informed trading and investment decisions. Stay ahead with Nasdaq.
The bid & ask refers to the price that an investor is willing to buy or sell a stock. The bid is the highest amount that a buyer is currently willing to pay, whereas the ask is the lowest amount that a seller is currently willing to sell. The numbers next to the bi...