We start with a greedy solution. This means that we fly over lava, swim on water and walk on grass, keeping track of time and the stamina. There are two types of issues that may happen – either we don't have enough stamina to fly over lava, or we have some leftover stamina at ...
Yes, even as Simic has casted a huge shadow over these cards, I will say these planeswalkers have all been amazing for the game and enjoyable to me. The idea of passives on planeswalkers was new and refreshing for the world of walker designs. I will admit that some of the WAR walkers...
ainta al13n molamola. Congratulations! Thanks for participating. If you want to know intended solutions, see the editorial (it isn't completely ready yet though). See you next time and have an awesome New Year!Announcement of Good Bye 2016 good...
Swede tennis great Bjorn Borg defeated American John McEnroe in an emotionally and physically draining five sets--which included an 18-16 McEnroe fourth-set tiebreaker and a 9-7 final set--then considered the greatest match of all time. Borg's fifth consecutive Wimbledon title would be his la...
“And then slip again, and again, etc.. And then they’ll make it hard or confusing to change the options or “sign out” (like Amazon). It’s only a matter of time. Then you’ll want to leave too, but then they’ll say they have to a right to retain everything you ever did...
People's belief that they should have rest, free time, some money/time/energy to spend on objects of their choosing, abundant sleep, etc. “It used to be okay to buy myself hot cocoa from time to time, because there used to be nothing important I could do with money. But now—shoul...
OnCe uPoN a TiMe.. → Reply » mihail.jianu 10 years ago, # | 0 wow! so many participants! i think it's the first time we have ever reached 6000 → Reply » Kira96 10 years ago, # | +22 "Thanks to Xellos for giving us some ideas." Why do I have the feeling...