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LyricsDownload Bye Bye Bby Boo Song MP3Bye Bye Bby Boo - Dolly Style以下歌词翻译由微信翻译提供Written by:Palle Hammarlund/Holly/Polly/Molly Look at me prouder now看看我现在更骄傲了Gonna sound louder now that it's over现在一切都结束了声音会更大This ain't a heartbreak show这不是一场让人...
Bye bye goodbye-国语流畅-【Super Simple Song】Bye bye goodbye,Bye bye goodbye-国语流畅- 超级洗脑儿歌Super Simple Songs,是为了初学英文、非英语系国家的孩子所写,歌曲里的单词、句型都不难,歌词重复性高,旋律易记,极其适合刚启蒙娃用于