与国内版本几乎一致,Atto 2延续了标志性的“Dragon Face”设计语言,但也有一些细节调整:车头“元”字标识被换成了BYD品牌Logo,前脸下部的镀铬轮廓经过了微调。基于BYD e-Platform 3.0平台打造,车辆尺寸分别为4310/1830/1675毫米,轴距达2620毫米,紧凑的车身和宽敞的内部空间兼具实用与美感。熟悉的影子:南美市场...
BYD ATTO 3, BYD’s first passenger car to target global markets, has achieved outstanding performance since it was launched. The total sales volume of BYD ATTO 3 has reached 143,188. In October, BYD sold 27,548 units of BYD ATTO 3, among which 7,130 were delivered to overseas markets,...
Specifications: Material: High-quality leather grain material Type: Car Sill Protector Film Placement: Door & Waist line Customization: Yes, is_customized Design: Carbon fiber pattern with BYD ATTO 3 logo Performance: Scratch-resistant, wear-resistant, stain-resistant Features: |Car Non Tax|United ...
近日,比亚迪日本发布了比亚迪海豚和比亚迪ATTO 3两款车型的最新宣传广告,日本知名女演员、模特长泽雅美出演。官方还分享了一段拍摄幕后花絮,长泽雅美工作期间一直面带微笑,氛围轻松融洽。 宣传广告(含花絮): 比亚迪海豚,是海洋车系的首款车型,使用比亚迪全新LOGO的首款车型,基于比亚迪e平台3.0打造的首款车型。海豚拥有...
适用于比亚迪ATTO3前杠中网饰条机盖改装饰条外饰亮片车标前脸装 广州兴图贸易有限公司3年 温州市瓯海区 ¥3.00成交74笔 比亚迪宋pro送你一朵花保宋北宅急宋创意文字车尾标改装饰车身贴 龙港市万芯塑料制品厂2年 温州市 ¥1.80成交12笔 比亚迪车门防撞条宋PLUS秦pro唐DMi汉EV元PLUS汽车保护胶贴改装饰 ...
11月21日,记者从比亚迪汽车获悉:其面向全球市场销售的新能源车型BYD ATTO 3,当日获得澳大利亚新车安全评鉴协会 (ANCAP)的五星安全评级,该测评结果适用于从2022年5月起生产并在澳大利亚销售的BYD ATTO 3标准续航版和长续航版车型。 ANCAP是汽车界权威的安全认证机构之一,它通过专业且严苛的安全评鉴,为消费者购车提供参...
Euro NCAP safety rating of the BYD Atto 3 2022: detailed results, crash test pictures, videos and comments from experts
The fact that the international jury is impressed by BYD's products is evident from the fact that no fewer than four of the 28 selected cars bear the BYD logo – theBYD SEAL,BYD DOLPHIN,BYD ATTO 3andBYD HAN. That’s the highest number of the same brand of all selected participan...
"Future Mobility Day" Event Two BYD models, BYD Han and BYD ATTO 3, were unveiled at the “Future Mobility Day” event. In addition, by the end of this year, more details would be announced with the aim to launch four models (EVs and plug-in hybrids) in the United Arab Emirates. ...